Data Realms Fan Forums

Small problem...
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Author:  Valvo [ Sat Jan 01, 2011 5:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Small problem...

I've been using the Gibbing Editor in-game to make things, and I recently ran into the problem of having to figure out that I needed NewData folders in every .rte folder. Now, however, when I try to load these new items inside the Gibbing Editor, or playing with them in the Scenario Battle, they don't load. I've been through the forum with a comb and I've given up trying to find a clear answer.

I only want to know how to get these items inside the NewData folders to load whenever I try to use them. I've had no other difficulties with the game so far. My OS is Windows 7. I doubt you need more specs, but I can provide them if necessary. This game is incredibly fun, and making my own gizmos in the game sounds like a blast. Thanks for any help and advice!

P.S. I can't seem to figure out how word wrap works on forums, so pardon me for the long <---> posts.

Author:  Kettenkrad [ Sun Jan 02, 2011 10:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Small problem...

The following answer is based on my experience with the Gibbing editor (from memory). I may be wrong...

Either the editor creates a NewData folder, or just looks for the nonexistent one.
Anyways, the .ini file it creates just has the name of the thing + the gibs, not the actual subject properties. Also, (I think) you have to add the line:

IncludeFile = *Mod name*/NewData/*.ini Name*.ini to the mod's index.

I think the easiest solution is to add a CopyOf to the .ini itself, and change the PresetName to something else. Just put a 'B' on the end of the name or something....
If you need any help, PM me. You might if this is your first... modding thing.

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