Oh god, my dropship is messed
So... I woke up today and went "...I'm gonna create a dropship....(off of my drop pod...) anyways I went to the vanilla drop ship and edited away after I was satisfied that it was completly flawless (Except the gibs..I'll work on that later) I went on to CC. then I saw....THIS:
http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/9180/wtfbh.pngWhat it should look like...
http://img811.imageshack.us/img811/2563/wishll.pngSo.. the problems:
- Thruster offset is off (I've never had any problems with offsets for weapons so..hmm)
- I have no idea what is in place of my thruster(that bit of Grey...could be my doors)
- No sign of doors
- ...yea
My code: