In a few weeks, after some school exams and such, I might start working on the infamous zombie bot faction.
After I ragequitted with the Cortex Command actor modding, I haven't touched modding, or the game either, really.
If anyone would be interested in dealing with CC's stupidity regarding AHumans, I should be able to provide bitmaps full of noise resembling sprites,
and perhaps cobble together some sort of Lua trickery as well. Help with said trickery could also be appreciated. Especially AI-tricks.
As it stands, I have a prototype drone. There is no specialized lua script beynond an alternate rez system.
The drone walks bad. It looks a bit silly. But alas;
It needs a digging AI. It lacks the entire resource gathering logic, and the AI to support it.
I also made a bullet hose. It is called S.P.E.W.
The gib-rez effect is still based on the performance degrading loop system,
Reworking it, with the current code, will be quite a grand feat indeed.
If I do manage to get around these hurdles, more actors may find themselves realized ingame.
On the weekend, I might look into getting something done. Maybe. Possibly the performance-death.
After that though, it's exams. Consider this post a friendly warning. Oh, and try to keep unneccesary posts not releated to modding collabration to a minimum. The mod did have a thread of it's own at some point.