Data Realms Fan Forums

dropship door issue
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Author:  salt_1219 [ Tue Sep 21, 2010 9:32 pm ]
Post subject:  dropship door issue

I'm having a issue with ACrocket doors, I'm trying to make it so it only has one door but when I comment out one side it makes it so none of the doors work.

I tried setting the offsets to the same spot but that made a really long exit that still went through both sides.

I'm at work at the moment so I can't try any new options till I get home, but would setting the offsets to the same spot but adding a Hflip to one work?

Also one more question while I'm on the subject of dropships, if I addinventory blah blah blah actor, and addinventory blah blah blah weapon to the dropship, would the weapon be added to the actors inventory if the actor comes first?

ok if you set the offset to just above or below the other and match the volocity of the exit to the same it works

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