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Small PROJECTS help
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Author:  BrainChild [ Thu Aug 12, 2010 7:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Small PROJECTS help

I have a lot of ideas of very small mods that I would like to make but , I have some problems making them work , so help with ideas on how to
make something work would be appreciated
If I can get the Lua scripts ready to use that would be great - I know nothing about Lua
also a line where it should be attached would also be nice

First a Few problems :
#1 - If I have a grenade that gibs into 6 MOSR that gib into something else most of the time some of them don't gib - how do I fix this ?
#2 - How do you make a emitter emit in a certain direction ?
#3 - If there some code that makes a ACrab have to aim up ?

What I need help with :
#1 - I want to make a grenade that when it explodes it shoots a small ball (Down through the ground) that after a 100ms explodes into another 2 balls one that goes right and one that goes left they explode in about 150ms . When the grenade and the balls explode they should make medium sized holes
the problems that I have it that I cant make the balls go in the direction I want them to go and the balls won't dig into the ground

#2 - A turtle missile system , Acrab that fires a volley of missiles about 3-5 witch lock onto a different target across the map the missiles are fired vertically - the problem I have here is that the missiles don't have different targets

#3 - A grenade that explodes makes a small crater and then fires a lot of pixels from the sides - I thought that the grenade would gib into a Emitter that then emits the pixels but the same problem I can't make it emit in a certain direction

thanks for any help

Author:  411570N3 [ Fri Aug 13, 2010 7:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Small PROJECTS help

No. 3 is something like adding
EmissionAngle = Matrix
<Tab>AngleDegrees = <No. of degrees, same format as a polar co-ord>
to your code.

Author:  BrainChild [ Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Small PROJECTS help

thanks it worked it now emits all the particles in the same direction , but if the emitter turns it emits the particle at a different angel , how do I make it emit up no matter how the emitter turns ?

Author:  411570N3 [ Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Small PROJECTS help

You might need Lua to make it always stay upright. If they're spinning on spawn, remove any lines mentioning AngularVelocity. You could also just make them generally harder to spin by increasing weight, I guess.

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