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Scripting without LUA?
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Author:  f4nt4sy [ Mon Jul 19, 2010 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Scripting without LUA?

Hey guys! I read about scripting simple Missions without LUA days ago. Is that true? If so, does somebody have a tut for that? Iam new in .ini coding and wanna do that nice n good before learning another Language and coding a mission with ini would be a great help.

Thankfull for every usefull post.

(if this is not possible, just close the topic)

Author:  Duh102 [ Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Scripting without LUA?

Here's how ini and Lua work.

ini is the descriptive scripting of Cortex Command. It's how you describe new objects, terrains, actors, and so forth, based on set parameters.
Lua is the active scripting of Cortex Command. Using it you can give extra programming to objects and thin air, such as adding a timer to an explosive or spawn objects by absolute rather than relative coordinates.

Thus, if you want to make a mission, you have to know both. If you want to make a terrain fit for skirmish, you need only know ini.

Author:  f4nt4sy [ Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Scripting without LUA?

Ah okay. Thanks for the quick reply. already assumed that but was uncertain because of that topic. All the LUA tuts are so confusing to me. Iam barely getting comfortable with ini. So i really have to learn this to, huh? Damn it. Doesnt even look like fun like ini did. Man i hate this world...

Thanks for Answer anyways =)

Author:  Geti [ Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Scripting without LUA?

Lua is way more fun than .ini, you actually get (limited) control over what you're doing rather than just reshuffling dan's preconstructed classes.
You can learn lua from here, or by fiddling around with scripts in game (much the same way I learned .ini). You'll get a more complete view of the language if you hit up the documentation though.

However, if you're barely comfortable with .ini, it would serve you better to make some weapons and then actors before diving into a mission, which is the most complicated area for scripting.

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