Joined: Thu Jul 08, 2010 2:55 am Posts: 12
Actors - Damage taken from bullets
How do you change the amount of damage an actor receives from getting hit by bullets? Is the gib wound limit?
Joined: Sat Nov 03, 2007 9:44 pm Posts: 1916 Location: Flint Hills
Re: Actors - Damage taken from bullets
It's the wounds, they define the damage from the individual hits, including any bleeding damage. If you want to change the damage a bullet does to an actor, make new wounds for the actor, and apply them to the actor's parts.
GibWoundLimit doesn't directly affect health, but when a particular object (such as a leg) gets that many wounds on it, it gibs, which can cause a BreakWound on the object it's attached to, (the torso, in this case) which is another wound that can have separate initial and bleeding damage.
Of course, if the torso or head gibs, the actor dies.
Any wound applied to the head has a 5x damage factor, which can be altered by giving the head a separate set of wounds.
Initial damage is BurstDamage, on the wound, or something like that. And then there's EmissionDamage, or something like that, which is the damage per particle emitted. Emissions can be limited by either time or count to end bleeding, their rate of emission can be changed, their particle can be changed, there's all sort of stuff you can do with them. Launching rockets at anyone who shoots you could be fun, if you want to get silly with it.