Data Realms Fan Forums

AcceleCorp >>>[Major Wip]<<<
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Author:  BrainChild [ Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AcceleCorp >>>[Major Wip]<<<

It's okay but needs a lot of work I like the Molotov gun
your weapons are a little underpowered
grenade aren't so great half of the time they don't explode don't know why

Author:  BrainChild [ Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AcceleCorp >>>[Major Wip]<<<

Under powered? I thought the opposite way around.
The grenades don't have a timer, it's like a mix of stick grenade and a rock, you have to throw pretty hard to make it explode, but they are really useful when defending a base and you need a quick weapon, or (somehow) "Nade Sniping."
If there are underpowered weapons then tell me which ones are and I'll fix them.
And should I carry on?
EDIT: I already know the 2g sniper is under powered, fix that when I get more info (mass upgrade).[/quote]

You should carry on
the AcceleRifle AcceleSSault should be stronger they just go right through the enemy

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