If this has something to do with my codes here they are
AddAmmo = MOSParticle
PresetName = Gun Template Casing
Mass = 0.05
HitsMOs = 0
GetsHitByMOs = 0
SpriteFile = ContentFile
FilePath = Gun Template.rte/Images/Casing.bmp
FrameCount = 8
SpriteOffset = Vector
X = -2
Y = -2
AngularVel = 6
Atom = Atom
Material = Material
CopyOf = Bullet Casing
TrailLength = 0
Framerate = 10
AddEffect = Attachable
PresetName = Muzzle Flash Gun Template
Mass = 0.0001
HitsMOs = 0
GetsHitByMOs = 0
SpriteFile = ContentFile
FilePath = Gun Template.rte/Images/MuzzleFlash.bmp
FrameCount = 4
SpriteOffset = Vector
X = -4
Y = -6
AtomGroup = AtomGroup
AutoGenerate = 1
Material = Material
CopyOf = Air
Resolution = 2
Depth = 100
DeepGroup = AtomGroup
AutoGenerate = 1
Material = Material
CopyOf = Air
Resolution = 3
Depth = 100
DeepCheck = 0
JointStrength = 10000
JointStiffness = 1
ScreenEffect = ContentFile
FilePath = Gun Template.rte/Images/MuzzleGlow.bmp
DrawAfterParent = 1
AddAmmo = Round
PresetName = Round Gun Template
ParticleCount = 1
Particle = MOPixel
PresetName = Particle Gun Template
Mass = 0.008
RestThreshold = 500
LifeTime = 1500
Sharpness = 250
HitsMOs = 1
GetsHitByMOs = 0
Color = Color
R = 143
G = 143
B = 143
Atom = Atom
Material = Material
CopyOf = Bullet Metal
TrailColor = Color
R = 155
G = 155
B = 155
TrailLength = 25
Shell = MOSParticle
CopyOf = Gun Template Casing
FireVelocity = 80
ShellVelocity = 10
Separation = 5
AddAmmo = Round
CopyOf = Round Gun Template
PresetName = Round Gun Template Tracer
ParticleCount = 1
Particle = MOPixel
CopyOf = Particle Gun Template
PresetName = Particle Gun Template Tracer
RestThreshold = 500
LifeTime = 1500
HitsMOs = 1
GetsHitByMOs = 0
Color = Color
R = 247
G = 247
B = 147
Atom = Atom
Material = Material
CopyOf = Bullet Metal
TrailColor = Color
R = 255
G = 255
B = 159
TrailLength = 45
AddAmmo = Magazine
PresetName = Magazine Gun Template
Mass = 2
HitsMOs = 0
GetsHitByMOs = 0
SpriteFile = ContentFile
FilePath = Gun Template.rte/Images/Mag.bmp
FrameCount = 1
SpriteOffset = Vector
X = -3
Y = -4
EntryWound = AEmitter
CopyOf = Dent Metal
ExitWound = AEmitter
CopyOf = Dent Metal
AtomGroup = AtomGroup
AutoGenerate = 1
Material = Material
CopyOf = Bullet Metal
Resolution = 2
Depth = 0
DeepGroup = AtomGroup
AutoGenerate = 1
Material = Material
CopyOf = Bullet Metal
Resolution = 3
Depth = 1
DeepCheck = 1
JointStrength = 200
JointStiffness = 1
JointOffset = Vector
X = 0
Y = -3
ParentOffset = Vector
X = 1
Y = 0
DrawAfterParent = 0
RoundCount = 30
RTTRatio = 4
RegularRound = Round
CopyOf = Round Gun Template
TracerRound = Round
CopyOf = Round Gun Template Tracer
AddGib = Gib
GibParticle = MOPixel
CopyOf = Spark Yellow 1
Count = 5
Spread = 2.25
MaxVelocity = 20
MinVelocity = 8
AddGib = Gib
GibParticle = MOSParticle
CopyOf = Gib Metal Rust Micro A
Count = 4
Spread = 2.25
MaxVelocity = 15
MinVelocity = 5
GibWoundLimit = 1
AddDevice = HDFirearm
PresetName = Gun Template
AddToGroup = Weapons
AddToGroup = Automatics
AddToGroup = Subguns
Mass = 10
HitsMOs = 0
GetsHitByMOs = 1
SpriteFile = ContentFile
FilePath = Gun Template.rte/Images/Gun.bmp
FrameCount = 2
SpriteOffset = Vector
X = -7
Y = -4
EntryWound = AEmitter
CopyOf = Dent Metal
ExitWound = AEmitter
CopyOf = Dent Metal
GoldValue = 20
AtomGroup = AtomGroup
AutoGenerate = 1
Material = Material
CopyOf = Military Stuff
Resolution = 4
Depth = 0
DeepGroup = AtomGroup
AutoGenerate = 1
Material = Material
CopyOf = Military Stuff
Resolution = 4
Depth = 10
DeepCheck = 1
JointStrength = 75
JointStiffness = 0.5
JointOffset = Vector
X = -3
Y = 3
DrawAfterParent = 0
OneHanded = 0
StanceOffset = Vector
X = 6
Y = 5
SharpStanceOffset = Vector
X = 7
Y = -2
SupportOffset = Vector
X = 5
Y = 4
SharpLength = 165
Magazine = Magazine
CopyOf = Magazine Gun Template
ParentOffset = Vector
X = 3
Y = 1
Flash = Attachable
CopyOf = Muzzle Flash Gun Template
FireSound = Sound
AddSample = ContentFile
FilePath = Gun Template.rte/Sounds/M1601.wav
AddSample = ContentFile
FilePath = Gun Template.rte/Sounds/M1602.wav
AddSample = ContentFile
FilePath = Gun Template.rte/Sounds/M1603.wav
AddSample = ContentFile
FilePath = Gun Template.rte/Sounds/M1604.wav
AddSample = ContentFile
FilePath = Gun Template.rte/Sounds/M1605.wav
AddSample = ContentFile
FilePath = Gun Template.rte/Sounds/M1606.wav
EmptySound = Sound
AddSample = ContentFile
FilePath = Gun Template.rte/Sounds/EmptyClick3.wav
ReloadStartSound = Sound
AddSample = ContentFile
FilePath = Gun Template.rte/Sounds/ReloadStart.wav
ReloadEndSound = Sound
AddSample = ContentFile
FilePath = Gun Template.rte/Sounds/ReloadEnd.wav
RateOfFire = 800
ReloadTime = 1500
FullAuto = 1
FireIgnoresThis = 1
ShakeRange = 12
SharpShakeRange = 3
NoSupportFactor = 3
ParticleSpreadRange = 3
ShellSpreadRange = 8
ShellAngVelRange = 2
MuzzleOffset = Vector
X = 10
Y = 0
EjectionOffset = Vector
X = 1
Y = -1
AddGib = Gib
GibParticle = MOPixel
CopyOf = Spark Yellow 1
Count = 6
Spread = 2.25
MaxVelocity = 20
MinVelocity = 8
AddGib = Gib
GibParticle = MOPixel
CopyOf = Spark Yellow 2
Count = 5
Spread = 2.25
MaxVelocity = 20
MinVelocity = 8
AddGib = Gib
GibParticle = MOPixel
CopyOf = Drop Oil
Count = 4
Spread = 2.25
MaxVelocity = 10
MinVelocity = 1
AddGib = Gib
GibParticle = MOSParticle
CopyOf = Gib Metal Rust Micro A
Count = 6
Spread = 2.25
MaxVelocity = 15
MinVelocity = 5
AddGib = Gib
GibParticle = MOSParticle
CopyOf = Gib Metal Grey Micro A
Count = 4
Spread = 2.25
MaxVelocity = 15
MinVelocity = 5
AddGib = Gib
GibParticle = MOSRotating
CopyOf = Gib Device Small K
Count = 1
Spread = 2.25
MaxVelocity = 10
MinVelocity = 1
AddGib = Gib
GibParticle = MOSRotating
CopyOf = Gib Device Small I
Count = 1
Spread = 2.25
MaxVelocity = 10
MinVelocity = 1
GibWoundLimit = 3
(if its also about the bullet color i edited that after the error)
IncludeFile = Gun Template.rte/Gun.ini