Data Realms Fan Forums

Mod Help
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Author:  Dylanhutch [ Wed May 19, 2010 11:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mod Help

Firstly, Welcome to the forums!

1. Always use .ini files or it will not work, E.G. Index.ini
2. in the electrode shooter.ini, it is looking for:Third Realm Co.rte/Images/Launchers/Electrode Shooter.bmp whe there is no
Folder called 'Launchers'
3. Frame Count is How many frams cc will look for, e.g. Framcount = 2 will look for Shooter000.bmp and Shooter001.bmp
4. instead of Reloadtime = 0, just make--- Oh, you don't have a magizine setup.
5. Your Electrode Shooter was called Electrode Shooter.bmp.bmp not Electrode Shooter.bmp
6. In Electrode Shooter.ini It says
    EntryWound = AEmitter
      CopyOf = Baseball Bat Dent
   ExitWound = AEmitter
      CopyOf = Baseball Bat Dent

Look the best way is to copy a module say, dummy.rte then paste it and rename to what you want, go through the .ini's
and edit them to what you want, but make sure the Directories are alright.

Ok fixing...

Seems like you'll need to copy a module and change it.
You have missed out a lot of important things. (No offence intended)

Author:  spungypirate [ Fri May 21, 2010 2:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mod Help

What works well for me, even though its time consuming, is running the mod and looking at the error message. It should tell you where, in what .ini file it is running into errors, as well as what line.

Just go the line specified and try to solve the problem. It took me a while to be able to make a mod work with only a few edits to the .inis. Just takes some time.

This basically gives you an shortcut to the problem. Just keeping doing this to weed out all of the errors. Just remember, whenever CC crashes, you need to close its process.

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