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Weapon Firing MOs Fires Backwards (Semi-Solved)
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Author:  Wilson [ Mon May 03, 2010 2:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Weapon Firing MOs Fires Backwards (Semi-Solved)

I have made a gun which shoots an MO. Due to how I want the gun to work, it has a high mass and shoots at a great velocity (it's a small rocket fist). This causes large kickback which I don't want. I thought I could get around this the same way the Heavy Sniper does, by having the gun fire a particle which then emits the actual round. It works somewhat, but there is an odd bug.

It works fine when I fire to the right, but when I shoot to the left the MO appears, but it is initially pointing backwards. It then very quickly rotates around (all while moving in the correct direction) until it is facing the direction it should, from which point it acts normally. Has anyone encountered anything like this?

Author:  Duh102 [ Mon May 03, 2010 2:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Weapon Firing MOs Fires Backwards

That's a problem with how the face toward velocity variable (the name escapes me atm) works, it sadly has no ini code fix. You'd have to set the facing manually through some trigonometry and Lua to fix it.

Author:  Wilson [ Mon May 03, 2010 3:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Weapon Firing MOs Fires Backwards

Ah. All right, cheers for the info.

EDIT: I've found a fix of sorts for the problem. If I set the OrientToVel = 1 rather than 0.8 as it was, this problem does not occur. Obviously this isn't ideal, but for certain instances like mine, it's fine.

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