What the ♥♥♥♥?
Increasing the actor's mass will make it take more impact damage!
You need to edit something's wounds to make it take less damage, not just up it's GibWoundLimit!
Sharpness just increases a bullet's ability to penetrate, it doesn't make it do more damage (except for sometimes allowing the bullet to cause exit wounds, but still, wrong)!
We need a rule about this whole misguided help thing.
GibImpulseLimit is what you're looking for for the impact resilience. Increase it.
Increasing jetpack power is done by making a new jetpack AEmitter and making it emit heavier particles, then using it for your actor's jetpack. You can find the base jetpacks in Base.rte/Effects/Pyro/Pyro.ini if I aren't mistaken.
To making a particle do more damage you actually have to make there be more particles, because damage in cortex command is done by individually defined wounds. You do this in the round definition, where it says "ParticleCount = 1", raise that number to however many times you want to raise the damage.
You'll also need to change the ParticleSpread variable in the HDFirearm definition to 0 to prevent your weapon from acting like a shotgun.
If you want to do this an easier way in lua, you can attach this script to any MOPixel bullet:
function Create(self)
if self.PresetName ~= "copy" then --use the thing's presetname as an identifier, since it'll inherit this script
copy = CreateMOPixel(self.PresetName) --make a new instance
copy.PresetName = "copy" --give it the indentifier
copy.Vel,copy.Pos = self.Vel,self.Pos --copy position and velocity
MovableMan:AddParticle(copy) --add it to the world
Code is not tested and was just made up then, but it should work unless i typo'd something blah blah.