Data Realms Fan Forums

SAW Mod BETA *Updated*
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Author:  Coops [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 6:19 am ]
Post subject:  SAW Mod BETA *Updated*

Hello Again :grin:

I dont know if any of you remember my VERY old mod S.A.W. Which was a complete and uter fail :oops: BUT i have re-visited it and decided to make some changes and tweaks to make it atleast pleasing to the eye...

I still havent found a great name that fits the abreviation of "SAW" but anyone is welcome for suggestions.

SAW has more of a reputation of an "Elite" type of status to them than anything else really.

Here are the Goods


SAW Soldier


Average Speed, Resiliant to bullet impacts, Heavy Weight.
So far the only known threat yet


GH-56 Mk3


Full Auto, 30 Rounds, Average Power
Of Course, The Traditional GH-56



Full Auto, 35 Rounds, Low - Medium Power
It has a High Fire Rate

S-88 Pistol


Single Fire, 7 Rounds, High Power
Great Sidearm to wip out



Full Auto, 30 Rounds, Low Power
You can Dual Weild these



Bolt Action, 6 Rounds, Very High Power
Medium Distance requires an exellent eye.



Full Auto, 60 Round Catridge, Medium Power
The M80 Tweaked and Modded



Full Auto, 3 Missile Pod, High Power
A fully Automatic Rocket Launcher :D



High Power
The Original M32 Grenade


Thx, Feedback More than welcome

File comment: Comes With a Complimentary MMItems Too!
SAW.rte.rar [1.78 MiB]
Downloaded 284 times

Author:  Grif [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 6:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SAW Mod BETA

Surprisingly competent sprites.

A bit flat on the detail/color choice, but well made for beginner work.

Author:  LowestFormOfWit [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 6:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SAW Mod BETA

Also with Grif on this one. Decent beginner sprites. The way light is hitting some of the guns doesn't make sense though.

And the grenade is very, very tiny. Like, it's smaller than a hand sprite.

Author:  Coops [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 6:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SAW Mod BETA

LowestFormOfWit wrote:
Also with Grif on this one. Decent beginner sprites. The way light is hitting some of the guns doesn't make sense though.

And the grenade is very, very tiny. Like, it's smaller than a hand sprite.

CRAP, didnt replace the one i edited....

EDIT: thar we go

Author:  Petethegoat [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 6:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SAW Mod BETA

I would to go so far as to say that the actor looks excellent, if a little busy, but the shading on the guns brings it down a notch.
That said, the line art and colour choices are good throughout.

Firstly, having played this, I feel obliged to tell you to tone down the glows. You know the one I mean in particular.
I might also get rid of the glows on the shell casings, but that is up to you.

The best part of this is easily the rocket launcher; fun to fire, reasonably effective, doesn't rape terrain, and the effects are spectacular.
The only change I would want to make would be to lower the effective range of the shrapnel, which feels a little absurd right now.

Finally I'd suggest reducing the size of the orange casing over the foot, or making it part of the leg, rather than the foot.

Author:  carriontrooper [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 7:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SAW Mod BETA

SAW = Suicide Assault Warlords.
Anyways, nice sprites, DLing and testing.
This space will be used for after-test report.

Author:  Coops [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SAW Mod BETA

Petethegoat wrote:
I would to go so far as to say that the actor looks excellent, if a little busy, but the shading on the guns brings it down a notch.
That said, the line art and colour choices are good throughout.

Firstly, having played this, I feel obliged to tell you to tone down the glows. You know the one I mean in particular.
I might also get rid of the glows on the shell casings, but that is up to you.

The best part of this is easily the rocket launcher; fun to fire, reasonably effective, doesn't rape terrain, and the effects are spectacular.
The only change I would want to make would be to lower the effective range of the shrapnel, which feels a little absurd right now.

Finally I'd suggest reducing the size of the orange casing over the foot, or making it part of the leg, rather than the foot.

Im Glad you liked the Rocket Launcher, i added a cool "Disorienting" feature to the rocket to make it a little more realistic...

Tone down the glows? For what?

The Foot Casing thing is an attachable.. i could make it smaller though...

EDIT: ZOMG What happened to the Jetpack!?!?!? :shock:

EDIT2: Fix'd

carriontrooper wrote:
SAW = Suicide Assault Warlords.

Hmm, sounds Alright... But i dont think it fits the catagory for this kinda Theme... Like i said, this is more of an Elite type of faction...

And also UPDATED SPRITES.... Feed me back plz

Author:  dragonxp [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SAW Mod BETA

May I provide some names?
-Super Assassin Warriors
-Sluggish Arrogant Wingmen
-Superior Arsenal Weapons
-Superb Angry Warriors
-Sensational Army Warthogs
-Shameful Association (of) Warlords

Anyways, nice work, I love the effects; and, good luck finding a name.

Author:  TorrentHKU [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SAW Mod BETA


Author:  Contrary [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SAW Mod BETA

The actor as-is is really nice. Like, very very good. Vanilla-y almost.
Good composition on the sniper.
I think the little bipod on the MG is really cute.
Good contrast between the shades- your sprites really pop. Perhaps a little too much, but better than fading into the background, and it makes it feel more dynamic.

I think that if you didn't have black outlines, this would like pretty rad. If you look at the Vanilla sprites, and a lot of user-made sprites, black outlines are usually only used when the colour it is outlining is black. I can see you have orange outlines on your actor, keep up the good work.

Another thing that could be improved upon is your penchant for gradient shading. I can see it especially on the rocket launcher and the main assault rifle. Contrary to what one might think, that actually makes it look more flat. You're also using your gradients to shade sideways sometimes, which, as Lowee said, doesn't really makes a lot of sense.

This may be your intention- in which case it's fine- but I'm a nazi when it comes to colour schemes, and the orange bits on the GH56 look different from the orange bits on the sniper or pistol.

Edit: Now for the mod itself. The glows are a bit over the top, but ok. Most of the weapons seem pretty standard. I'd heavily nerf the Rocket Launcher. The Sniper Rifle fires a little too fast for how powerful it is. The pistol is probably the worst offender for unbalance. It does no damage and fires slower than the Rocket Launcher and Sniper COMBINED (in their slowness). I'd say keep it the same damage but make the fire rate like hella fast. The guys face is surprisingly less good than the rest of the actor.

Author:  Coops [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 9:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SAW Mod BETA

Contrary wrote:
The actor as-is is really nice. Like, very very good. Vanilla-y almost.
Good composition on the sniper.
I think the little bipod on the MG is really cute.
Good contrast between the shades- your sprites really pop. Perhaps a little too much, but better than fading into the background, and it makes it feel more dynamic.

Yeah I have looked at my sprites and literally said "Ew" for the old ones... And so wipped up some better ones

Contrary wrote:
I think that if you didn't have black outlines, this would like pretty rad. If you look at the Vanilla sprites, and a lot of user-made sprites, black outlines are usually only used when the colour it is outlining is black. I can see you have orange outlines on your actor, keep up the good work.

Well what i did was i looked at some base sprites and noticed how the outline was made.. i guess i forgot to do some outlining on some weapons, The GH is just Overkill though need to work on that.

Contrary wrote:
Another thing that could be improved upon is your penchant for gradient shading. I can see it especially on the rocket launcher and the main assault rifle. Contrary to what one might think, that actually makes it look more flat. You're also using your gradients to shade sideways sometimes, which, as Lowee said, doesn't really makes a lot of sense.

Like i said i need to rework some sprites, i have to say im quite happy with the rocket launcher and the sniper..

Contrary wrote:
Edit: Now for the mod itself. The glows are a bit over the top, but ok. Most of the weapons seem pretty standard. I'd heavily nerf the Rocket Launcher. The Sniper Rifle fires a little too fast for how powerful it is. The pistol is probably the worst offender for unbalance. It does no damage and fires slower than the Rocket Launcher and Sniper COMBINED (in their slowness). I'd say keep it the same damage but make the fire rate like hella fast.

Yeah the Jetpack REALLY Fudged up for some dumb reason, my original works fine tho. The Sniper i am working on and currently making it "Bolt Action" so it fires slower. As for my Pistol... It turned to ♥♥♥♥ too somehow, so i am going to work on that after..

Contrary wrote:
The guys face is surprisingly less good than the rest of the actor.

:lol: I KNOW!!! i did it a long time ago, TOP PRIORITY NOW

Other than that thx guys.... more too come :grin:

dragonxp wrote:
-Superior Arsenal Weapons

I like it! But that might decribe the weapons, how bout............ Superior Assault Warriors....

EDIT: here's my new Head... Any good?


No its not a Coalition Resprite

EDIT: Updated. Sniper Shoots Slower, The Pistol has been tinkered around with, the Rocket launcher is now a little less "Deadly", and a new Head sprite

Author:  PerfectKirby [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 9:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SAW Mod BETA *Updated*

SAW= Seargents At War or Space Assault Warfighters

Author:  Coops [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 10:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SAW Mod BETA *Updated*

Could Someone Please lock this, thx

Author:  dragonxp [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 11:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SAW Mod BETA *Updated*

Coops9753 wrote:
Could Someone Please lock this, thx

Locking to avoid further comments whilst you update?

Anyways, lookin forward to next release!

EDIT: did not see the WIP release.

Author:  Duh102 [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 11:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SAW Mod BETA *Updated*

Coops9753 wrote:
Could Someone Please lock this, thx

It's faster to use the report button on your OP, to flag it for us moderators. Then we can see it quickly. In fewer words, locked.

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