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Wierd Error
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Author:  TechnoGeek [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 4:46 am ]
Post subject:  Wierd Error

I just started playing CC again after a prolonged break from the game and unwitingy decided to dive right back into a mod that i was previously working on but have encountered alot of problems. I was able to stumbel through most of the errors but this one has me stumped although i am pretty sure it is actualy really simple and someone else could figure it out in their here goes.

I am making a Scene so i have the lines
Terrain = SLTerrain
CopyOf = Tromos.rte/Scenes/1 Arrival of the Tromos Terrain.bmp

This should load the terrain and i have checked to make sure the file paths are correct but when i run CC it gives me this error.


Author:  Joe [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 6:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wierd Error

I had a problem like this when I started making a mod.

If you have any spaces or blank lines (where you've hit the Enter key) below you're last line of text in the .ini, delete them and report back with how it crashes.

Author:  TechnoGeek [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wierd Error

I tryed deleting all the blank lines in Index.ini Scenes.ini and 1 Arrival of the Tromos.ini and that didn't help so i replaced all the spaces in the file path of 1 Arrival of the Tromos.ini with underscores (1_Arrival_of_the_Tromos.ini) but that didn't help either?

Author:  Duh102 [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 6:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wierd Error

What the error is saying is that the game is looking for a terrain named "Tromos.rte/Scenes/1 Arrival of the Tromos Terrain.bmp". Usually you name a terrain just something like "Tromos Terrain". I think what's happening here is that you mixed up where to place the .bmp for the terrain, or did not define it properly, and now you're trying to make the game load it without going through the proper protocol.
Obviously this will not work.
//This is a proper terrain definition
AddTerrain = SLTerrain
   PresetName = Menou Terrain
   BitmapFile = ContentFile
      Path = Menou.rte/Scenes/Menou.bmp
//And the line above is where you put the .bmp file
   WrapX = 0
   WrapY = 0
   ScrollRatio = Vector
      X = 1.0
      Y = -1.0
   BackgroundTexture = ContentFile
      Path = Base.rte/Scenes/Textures/DirtDark.bmp
   AddTerrainFrosting = TerrainFrosting
      TargetMaterial = Material
         CopyOf = Topsoil
      FrostingMaterial = Material
         CopyOf = Grass
      MinThickness = 5
      MaxThickness = 7
      InAirOnly = 1
   AddTerrainDebris = TerrainDebris
      CopyOf = Plants

Author:  TechnoGeek [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 7:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wierd Error

ohhhh...i get it now. Its because i used to have an ini file that had the protocal for the terrains and then i just called that method in the actual scene's ini file. The probelm however, was that the scene wasn't apearing on the campain map. I tryed to simplify the scene's code by puting the terrain directly into to scene's ini file and got this error.

But even if none of what i just said makes sense...the current problem is just that the scene doesn't appear on the campaign map?

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