Emissions damaging the weapons they're fired from?
Hi all,
I seem to be having a bit of trouble with this sniper I'm currently working on. Everything works perfectly except for the fact that the emissions seem to be fired from inside the gun, apart from all the tweaking I've done with offsets, and emissions ignoring parent weapons. I think it's pretty nifty as it gives the weapon a 'charge' system, as it can only fire 4-5 times before breaking. However this is not what I was aiming for with this weapon, maybe for another one.
I'll attach a Pastebin with the current code on it, the sprite I'm using is just a plain Dummy Sniper at this point in time, I'll make the modifications once I get the .ini all working.
There's probably something very obvious in there that's screwing up my whole operation, but I'd be much obliged if someone who's got some idea what they're doing could take a quick look and tell me what I've messed up.
Thanks in advance!