Re: Make Mod appear in Scene Editor
Ok a couple of things.
First I went to the link you posted and tried doing what was written but I had no luck.
IncludeFile = [mod.rte]/index.ini
I replaced the mod portion and even the [] with the file name and whenever I would try and load the game it would crash.
IncludeFile = [mdc.rte]/index.ini
IncludeFile = mdc.rte/index.ini
IncludeFile = [MDC.rte]/index.ini
IncludeFile = MDC.rte/index.ini
Another thing is that I browsed through the forums and found guides on how to make weapons/actors, but alias I couldn't find anything dealing with how to make bunker modules which is what I am trying to do.
The structure above is what I would like to have as a reinforced two missle launcher module.
The last thing I wanted to ask was if there was a better site to use to make a .gif file? The one I used only let me upload 5 pictures!