Eternal Gibs - How do I stop this?
Hi there.
I'm sorry if this is posted in the wrong place, after half an hour of fruitless searching, I still haven't found the IRC channel details. I'd rather not use the built-in Java IRC client, but searches on the forums didn't turn up the details. Anyway!
I've recently gotten started on my modding, and I've been picking apart other peoples creations, and messing with the variables to see what does what. I grabbed Witty's Cancer Bomb, and changed it into an erratically moving 'bee' missile. The problem is the fact that it persists forever.
I was intending for large amounts of these to be launched from a flamethrower-type gun, yet since they never disappear, this is probably a silly idea.
I'll attach the script I'm using, If anyone has a few minute of spare time, I'd love for them to tell me what I'm doing wrong, and how I could go about making these lazer bees explode or disappear after a set amount of time, rather than buzzing around eternally.'s the link to the code I'm using.
I could attach all necessary files if you'd like, if anyone wants to see the lazer bees ingame, or if the code is not sufficient to fix the problem.
Thanks a lot