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Author:  Urch [ Fri Nov 06, 2009 4:34 am ]
Post subject:  AEmitters(Wounds)

I'm trying to make a custom actor, and part of this actor requires custom wounds. I wanted to make an Actor, who rather than gibbing, could only be killed by having his health reduced to 0. I wanted to make a wound for this actor, that would deal one "point" of damage, emit some particles, then stop emitting. i am using the Null.bmp sprite to prevent my sprites from being obstructed by the massive numbers of wounds. Unfortunately, I do not understand some variables in AEmitters, I'm going to list them and it would be very helpful if the community could define them for me, as the Wiki fails to do so at this time.

EmissionEnabled = [Bool]
EmissionCountLimit = [Number]
EmissionsIgnoreThis = [Bool]
BurstSize = [Number]
BurstScale = [Number]
BurstDamage = [Bool]
BurstTriggered = [Bool]

Thank-you to anyone who helps me with this.

Author:  Grif [ Fri Nov 06, 2009 4:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: AEmitters(Wounds)

BurstDamage is actually a not-quite-float not-quite-int. It can be anywhere from 0 to 1111111.1111111, but it's not going to make a huge difference.

EmissionEnabled just means that emissions will, uh, work, for the emitter. For a wound, you want it set to 1.

EmissionCountLimit is the number of bursts and/or emissions that an emitter can have before disabling itself. Not always precisely accurate, especially with high rate emitters.

EmissionsIgnoreThis means that the emissions (regardless of HitsMOs or not) will pass through the parent emitter, and any parent objects OF the emitter, and all CHILDREN of all parent objects.

BurstSize is (I'm pretty sure) emissions in one "burst"; basically a "shotgun" type spread of particles. BurstScale I'm not entirely sure about.

EmissionDamage is how much damage is done to the parent per emission, and actor health is floored for both display and internal calculation. BurstDamage is how much damage is done on a burst, which is set up (for wounds) to happen only upon creation.

BurstTriggered is basically EmissionEnabled, except it toggles bursts.

Author:  Azukki [ Sat Nov 07, 2009 10:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: AEmitters(Wounds)

BurstScale is a multiplier for the velocity of an emission for bursts.

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