Data Realms Fan Forums

Community Art Sharing Space (artist work-order thread)
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Author:  Allen [ Wed Sep 30, 2009 4:28 am ]
Post subject:  Community Art Sharing Space (artist work-order thread)


I'm an artist here on the forums, currently heading up the art direction of Zombies 09. You've probably seen some of my work around, i do design and color paintings to sprite from. most of the art for that project won't be released for a while, but i've posted a little here and there. file it under "concept art".

I'd like to extend my services to the community, doing odd-jobs for credit in finished mods, for the experience and the exposure. This thread, however, should not be about me alone. Anyone looking for art can post here, and anyone with art that fits a description should feel free to post theirs here. It's like the sprite dump, but for the step that comes before spriting (something i've never been that great at).

If you've got a mod idea that requires visual creativity (one that isn't a remake of a movie/game/comic/etc.), you can pitch that here and maybe an artist will bite, if i like it then i will. If it's going to be a long project with lots of art, start your own thread or confine it to PMs.

Some rules:

-Don't quote images.
-Don't plagiarize
-Don't be a cock about other people's art: Constructive criticism only.

-Be nice to the margins. If your work is over 800 pixels wide, link it or resize it and link to the fullsized image.
-Keep the art worksafe. I doubt this will be an issue but you never know.
-If someone doesn't like/want to use your art, don't be a child about it. If praise is all you're prepared for then don't post your work.
-Please, host your images from another site. Threads get trimmed, all their images deleted, if they take up more than their share of DRLFF bandwidth, and that means everyone's art is lost. I don't want this to happen. Some useful image hosting sites include Photobucket, Imageshack, Deviantart, Blogger and Flickr. Use them (though i will say that imageshack is among the most backward and viewer-unfriendly hosting sites on the web, and the fact that people still use that service astounds me. your call though)
- Show respect for the people asking for art. Don't be a snob about your own work, that's one of the least attractive traits a person can exhibit, and one unique to artists. Don't be a stereotype, don't reek of entitlement.
- If you think other artists might benefit, share something about your process. Ask questions of artists, about techniques, help eachother improve. art timelapses arereally cool (i learned a lot from watching them), but in no way required.

People Asking for Art:
-Be clear about what you want. Type in full sentences.
-Don't post sketches. Just short job-descriptions.
-Don't ask for sprites, that's not what the thread is for.
-If there must be an editing/re-working process, take that into PMs. Seeing an image slightly edited four times in a row is just as annoying as image quoting.
-Important note: This is not an art-dump. You can't just use this art without permission. You can't go through and snatch up art without crediting the original creator. You can't make any money off of any of this art. You will respect the artist and give him/her their due.

My spiel, for everyone taking part in this experiment:

This is an arena for us to help each other as a community, with a common purpose of good content creation. Don't participate if you aren't willing to be bound by that. This thread isn't about you. It's not about me either. It's about the creative force of this community as a whole, and making that opensource. You can make your own thread if you want to be in charge of a discussion. A lot of people do, we even have a place especially for that!

But that is not this thread. I don't mean to wax poetic too much, but bear the vibe of this thread in mind before you post. It's intentionally and respectfully different from others.

Author:  Grif [ Wed Sep 30, 2009 6:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Art Woes? I Present the Artist Work-Order Thread

So it's a concept art thread? Ye gods count me in.

I've got more projects rolling around than you can ask for.

Seriously, if you want work, please PM me about stuff.

Author:  The Decaying Soldat [ Wed Sep 30, 2009 1:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Art Woes? I Present the Artist Work-Order Thread

Yes, thank you Allen. I'm in support for this thread.

Author:  ProjektTHOR [ Wed Sep 30, 2009 2:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Art Woes? I Present the Artist Work-Order Thread

I am pretty sure there are 20 threads like this that already exist.

Author:  Rawtoast [ Wed Sep 30, 2009 4:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Art Woes? I Present the Artist Work-Order Thread

ProjektTHOR wrote:
I am pretty sure there are 20 threads like this that already exist.

Right - and the point of this one is to consolidate those threads. It's a cleaner-upper!

Author:  Duh102 [ Wed Sep 30, 2009 5:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Art Woes? I Present the Artist Work-Order Thread

Rawtoast wrote:
Right - and the point of this one is to consolidate those threads. It's a cleaner-upper!
Meta thread you mean. A thread for threads.
Hm, I wonder if you could have 2d threads, then called a sheet... /useless ramblings

So to clarify for myself, this is "concept art dump"? Where artists dump their ideas and modders may or may not take it, or the other way around, "concept art fishing dump", where modders dump their ideas and artists may or may not draw up sketches?

Author:  Allen [ Wed Sep 30, 2009 5:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Art Woes? I Present the Artist Work-Order Thread

Duh102 wrote:
So to clarify for myself, this is "concept art dump"? Where artists dump their ideas and modders may or may not take it, or the other way around, "concept art fishing dump", where modders dump their ideas and artists may or may not draw up sketches?

the latter. modders hire out artists for jobs here. Artists can also pitch their styles here, but not for the expressed purpose of someone making it playable for them. That's never worked in my experience.

Grif wrote:
Seriously, if you want work, please PM me about stuff.

A thing about that: If you want your mod/idea to remain secret and you want an art sled-dog, this is the best way to go about it. However, a description of what you want, visually, doesn't always necessarily require you to give an idea away or to spoil any surprises later.

have any of you ever had to look for a room mate on craigslist? Think of this like CC Art Craigslist. You can post what you're looking for from an artist, and artists can post the sort of thing they produce in an effort to woo modders.

Author:  p3lb0x [ Wed Sep 30, 2009 9:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Art Woes? I Present the Artist Work-Order Thread

So, after watching the Knights of Cydonia music video I thought about doing a western revolver like laser pistol. If you could draw me up a reference picture for something like that then it would be awesome. Imagine what a Colt Peacemaker or other iconic western revolver would look like if it was a laser pistol

Author:  The Decaying Soldat [ Thu Oct 01, 2009 4:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Art Woes? I Present the Artist Work-Order Thread

I know it's directed to Allen but I'm interested in drawing it too. I asked Allen and he agreed to let me post this.

So here's a sketch on the laser revolver and a random skinny cowboy dude:

The bottom one is the finalized look. I imagine it to be powered by a battery which is the cylinder. It has six slots for discharging pulses of electrical energy, each burns out after discharge, so it still rotates the cylinder after each shot. This powers the laser diode. Replace whole cylinder to reload. The cocking hammer is for adjusting laser power, when pulled to the bottom being at highest rating, when positioned at the top is safe mode. I changed the cigarette lighter to a laser sight.
^^^Whole bunch of fictional settings made for fun, feel free to ignore^^^

Author:  p3lb0x [ Thu Oct 01, 2009 5:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Art Woes? I Present the Artist Work-Order Thread

Thanks, my sprite turned out HUGE however.


Author:  The Decaying Soldat [ Thu Oct 01, 2009 6:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Art Woes? I Present the Artist Work-Order Thread

Too much detail? Cut them :P

Author:  gtaiiilc [ Fri Oct 02, 2009 12:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Art Woes? I Present the Artist Work-Order Thread

Since the units are so small in Ragnar's Army they don't have the needs to generate the amount of steam needed to run them, A Mobile steam plant unit would work. The unit would be a tall and WIDE Acrab. the legs would be like the spiders out of wild wild west, and the body would be like a mix of the back and smoke stack of Crabfu's lobster tank and the font and train like boiler of the trilobite tank. The unit would have a "Victorian Steampunk" look brass trim, wood decor, and a black paint job.(the legs would be rusty as if they were just slapped on the steam plant to met there needs a kind of "Battlefield Boiler" )
link to Ragnar's Army - viewtopic.php?f=61&t=16224

if thats tl;tr and not a good description
combine (the back of this and the smokestack) ... bite_tank/ (the front of this with the wood boiler/firebox)
slap the legs on from this
and make it a tall and wide crab-ish mobile steam plant with a nice black painted body with rusty aging legs.
(I tried to keep it short but descriptive :oops: )

Author:  The Decaying Soldat [ Sat Oct 03, 2009 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Art Woes? I Present the Artist Work-Order Thread

What does a mobile steam boiler actually do? How does it supply energy to other units?

Author:  Areku [ Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Art Woes? I Present the Artist Work-Order Thread

The Decaying Soldat wrote:
What does a mobile steam boiler actually do? How does it supply energy to other units?

I assume it must be just a portable steam generator, with some multi-purpose steam outlets, to refuel smaller and boiler-less units without needing to carry them all the way back to your HQ. It could also be a good way to push-start units that stopped working during the battle due to boiler damage.

Anyway, I present here my humble artwork request. You might remember that actor I did for a contest some time ago, an astronaut called Neil. (Neil "StrongArm" Norris, if you want to know his full name.)
Well, I decided to expand upon that theme, and now I'm making a whole astronaut faction. And, of course, I'd like to have some concept art for it, even if the actor is already done, 'cause I'm an addict of concept art. So, anyone wants to make it? (Sprites included below.)

File comment: Full sprite sheet.
AstroSheet.bmp [18.83 KiB]
Not downloaded yet

Author:  Allen [ Sat Oct 03, 2009 10:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Art Woes? I Present the Artist Work-Order Thread

i'm down for the astronaut thing.

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