Re: Can anyone make this work...
AddTerrainObject = TerrainObject
PresetName = Incredidoor
AddToGroup = MP3 Bunker Systems
GoldCost = 0
FGColorFile = ContentFile
Path = Campaign X.rte/Objects/IncredidoorFG.bmp
MaterialFile = ContentFile
Path = Campaign X.rte/Objects/IncredidoorMat.bmp
BGColorFile = ContentFile
Path = Campaign X.rte/Objects/IncredidoorBG.bmp
AddChildObject = SOPlacer
PlacedObject = ADoor
CopyOf = IncrediMotor Slide
Offset = Vector
X = 0
Y = -64.5
BitmapOffset = Vector
X = -48
Y = -85
The thing in red doesn't exist.
Lots of nice looking files in there, though.