i wanna make a laser wich bombs the ground, my source is the "shark" of zalo pack, were the shark shoots horizontal. He shoots a AEmitter>MoPixel
My question: is there a possibility to let the shark shoots vertical?
AddEffect = MOPixel
InstanceName = Laser
Mass = 17
LifeTime = 50
Sharpness = 0.4
HitsMOs = 1
GetsHitByMOs = 0
Color = Color
R = 220
G = 250
B = 240
Atom = Atom
Material = Material
CopyOf = Air
TrailColor = Color
R = 220
G = 250
B = 240
TrailLength = 800
AddEffect = AEmitter
InstanceName = Laser
Mass = 0
Sharpness = 1
HitsMOs = 1
GetsHitByMOs = 1
SpriteFile = ContentFile
FilePath = Base.rte/Null.bmp
FrameCount = 1
SpriteOffset = Vector
X = 0
Y = 0
AtomGroup = AtomGroup
AutoGenerate = 1
Material = Material
CopyOf = Military Stuff
Resolution = 8
Depth = 0
DeepGroup = AtomGroup
AutoGenerate = 1
Material = Material
CopyOf = Military Stuff
Resolution = 7
Depth = 4
DeepCheck = 0
DeepGroup = AtomGroup
AutoGenerate = 1
Material = Material
CopyOf = Military Stuff
Resolution = 8
Depth = 3
DeepGroup = AtomGroup
AutoGenerate = 1
Material = Material
CopyOf = Military Stuff
Resolution = 7
Depth = 4
DeepCheck = 0
JointStrength = 500
JointStiffness = 1.0
JointOffset = Vector
X = 0
Y = 0
DrawAfterParent = 1
AddEmission = Emission
EmittedParticle = MOPixel
CopyOf = Laser
Spread = 0
MaxVelocity = 1000
MinVelocity = 1000
PushesEmitter = 0
EmissionEnabled = 1
EmissionsIgnoreThis = 1
EmissionOffset = Vector
X = 0
Y = 0
ParticlesPerMinute = 4000
MinThrottleRange = 1.0
MaxThrottleRange = 0.5
BurstSize = 10
BurstScale = 1
BurstTriggered = 1
BurstSpacing = 500
EmissionAngle = Matrix
AngleDegrees = 0
EmissionDamage = 0
FlashOnlyOnBurst = 0
the dropship part were emmitter is entered
Y = 220
CharHeight = 100
AddEmitter = AEmitter
CopyOf = Laser
ParentOffset = Vector
X = 0
Y = 20
LThruster = AEmitter
CopyOf = Dummy Dropship Engine A