Re: Always Crawling - Walkpath Question
numgun wrote:
Probably use Lua to make it force to crawl when it wants to walk.
Or just have the crouch button locked down for it.
Hm. Not a bad idea. I don't know any Lua, but I can cut and paste. I'll see if I can figure that out.
Azukki wrote:
Or just replace its walking limbpath with a copy of the idle limbpath.... You could also set up the actor to have crawling instead of walking, by making him sideways and having crawling limbpaths for walking limbpaths.
You could even make it an ACrab, which would give it better crawling but limited device ability.
Having seen Zalo's crab brain transfers, the third suggestion definitely entered my thinking, but I'm not sure it's really what I'm after. For the first, this is something I'd very much like the AI to use, so eh.
The second sounds the best. I suppose I could do that by just rearranging the sprites, right? Or is that not what you're saying...
It doesn't actually have to be ALWAYS crawling. Falling over a lot would also be acceptable. Just bad at walking. Basically, I'm looking for a shitty walkpath.
Fixed to avoid flaming