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 [WiP] DEF (Need help, crashes fixed) 
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Post [WiP] DEF (Need help, crashes fixed)
Some of you might remember this mod from back in June when I first started working on it.
I still don't have much done. Since yesterday I adopted a much better style of spriting, allowing me to re-do the assault rifle, the E15. I also completed a new mask and chest plate and made the actors blink. The faction has three types of soldiers at the current state:
-A lizardman soldier with heavy armor
-A human soldier with heavy armor (same as #1, but without a tail and a different head)
-A lizardman recon soldier
-A terrible ♥♥♥♥ dropship that can barely fly and no custom gibs.

Here's where I need help:
The soldiers look a bit strange. They have placeholder arms and legs. I have no clue how to properly execute offsets and stuff, meaning the weapons are held oddly and the soldiers have badly positioned arms.
If someone could help me either resprite the arms and legs or help with the offsets, I would be greatly appreciative. I cannot get the dropship to fly either, so any help making it fly would also be appreciated.


At the current state the mod is only about 60% finished.

File comment: Hopefully cleared the crashes with the sniper rifle.
DEF.rte.rar [829.69 KiB]
Downloaded 124 times
Fri Aug 21, 2009 12:02 pm
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Post Re: [WiP] DEF (Need help, crashes fixed)
Sorry about the crashes. Someone finally told me after few days that my mod was broken.

Mon Aug 24, 2009 12:19 pm
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Post Re: [WiP] DEF (Need help, crashes fixed)
You should really put this in Mod Releases. It's up to the point where you can release it there and then work on it...there's plenty of WIPs there.

Not too much attention here, look I'm the only one that downloaded :(

Tue Aug 25, 2009 4:47 am
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Post Re: [WiP] DEF (Need help, crashes fixed)
I'm actually against putting WIPs in Mod Releases.
At least get the offsets right before you do this.
I'll download it to check it out and give it a one-over.

EDIT: Ok. Here goes:
-The lizardmen are a neat idea. I think you should run with it and drop the human part altogether. The human looks silly in the suit anyway.
-Assault rifle is nice, but the muzzle offsets and whatnot are off, looks like it fires above the barrel vs from it.
-Shotgun speed is WAY too high. These things just rip out of the barrel too fast. Lower the speed by a lot.
-Actors succumb to impulse gibbing just by jetting too fast.
-Dropship is junk. Don't put it in the download until it can at least deliver something without dying.
-Pulse spear thing is interesting. Handle is too thin though. Sprite probably shouldn't be rotated 45 degrees either. It messes with the aiming of it. Make it horizontal and let the actor decide the angle.

Overall I like the sprites that have been done for the lizardmen. Tail should definitely animate though, swaying every now and then. Not a bad start, but as I said, I wouldn't throw it into releases anytime soon.

Tue Aug 25, 2009 4:54 am
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Post Re: [WiP] DEF (Need help, crashes fixed)
The dropship is junk right now. I couldn't get it to fly.

Tue Aug 25, 2009 11:45 am
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