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Shell ejection help
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Author:  Dr Victory [ Mon Jul 27, 2009 10:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Shell ejection help

Hi all I need a little help I want to have a fixed ejection point for shells which does not rotate with the firearm which is ejecting them.

Is this possible can anyone suggest the variables needed or even donate some quick lua code?

Cheers in advance

Author:  Azukki [ Tue Jul 28, 2009 12:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Shell ejection help

Have the casing eject at 0,0 offset. This casing is an emitter. It emits another emitter, emitted stuff does not inherit rotation. This emitter emits the real visual casing particle, at an emission offset where you want the casing in relation to the gun, unaffected by rotation.
If it's in the actor, that would almost need to be a scripted thing. Although I can think of an absurd roundabout way that might work without Lua.
Complicated, but that's what you end up with when trying to do something the engine wasn't made for.

There may be a simpler solution, but we can't exactly suggest how to go about achieving unknown intentions. Tell us what you're trying to do.

Author:  Dr Victory [ Tue Jul 28, 2009 9:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Shell ejection help

Sorry I should have been more specific.

The idea is for a Dreadnought which has a heavy machine gun mounted but with a separate non rotating (fixed ejection port) on the back armour plating of the dread.

Its a design thing, like the dread is piping the empties out the back.

Author:  Grif [ Wed Jul 29, 2009 1:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Shell ejection help

With a limited aimrange is it really that big of a deal? Just get the velocity of the shells such that they'll eject out of that.

Or, of course, you could use a little lua script on the actor to spawn an emitter that spits out shells when the actor is firing.

Here's a rough lua script, untested. It'll create a shot emitter particle at a rough offset, you'll want to fix the offset and make sure to use the right presetname + .rte name. Oh, and make sure to attach that script to the actor. And that your gun isn't emitting any shell casings itself.

Author:  Dr Victory [ Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Shell ejection help

Thanks I will test this and get it working if poss' with this dread'

I thought it would be straightforward for someone who knows lua ;)

I will be looking at using lua for my next mods, this one I want to concentrate on making a set of 3 sizes of crab legs for people to use as modules in their own mods

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