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2 simple questions, Robot fall damage and Dropship Missile
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Author:  RodwyVeriv [ Fri Jul 10, 2009 8:12 pm ]
Post subject:  2 simple questions, Robot fall damage and Dropship Missile

I made a custom Robot Based of the 1 and 2 bots in game but it suffers from the age old fall too hard and take 10 damage bit especially since occasionally when walking through bunkers it slams it head into the ceiling taking 10 on the way up and another 10 on the way down. I've messed around in it's code a bit but it still gets raped more by the ground than by enemy units. Which part of the robot code does this? Help would be appreciated.

Secondly I made a Missile drop ship. The original idea was that a missile, about half the size of the rockets could fly around the map, release the nosecone which would fall to the map and explode and the body would fly back to safety. The problem is I wanted to make it release when the hatch button is pressed and I wanted to know if I could make the nosecone separate when the hatch buttons pressed. If not I'm still happy slamming it into the ground or drop ships as I just made it explode upon gibbing. :-P

Author:  CrazyMLC [ Sat Jul 11, 2009 2:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2 simple questions, Robot fall damage and Dropship Missile

ImpulseDamageLimit = (High number)

So, wait, you want to hold down the mouse button to open the doors, and release it to detonate the bomb? That needs lua.

Author:  RodwyVeriv [ Sat Jul 11, 2009 6:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2 simple questions, Robot fall damage and Dropship Missile

Damn that was simple. I should've just redone my robot with the new robots ini files as a base instead of the ones back from b22.

About the missile, I just decided to make the nose cone open up and act as a hatch with a somewhat higher ejection velocity than the rockets so the bombs clear the missile easier.

I still find it easier to down enemy drop ships by crashing into them, which is a lot easier than flying up to one releasing a bomb and flying away.

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