Greetings everyone. Decided to stop lurking and try to do a mod.
While experimenting with increasing the lethality of the Ronin RPC, encountered this:
ERPPC.png [ 114.33 KiB | Viewed 1793 times ]
The saw rapidly burrows through most terrain, curving to a side as it travels.
I've never seen this particular tunnelling behavior yet, so I decided to keep exploring, and found that OrientToVel determines the direction of the projectile's curve. When it's lower than 1, the saw curves counter-clockwise. When it is 1, it curves clockwise. Ideally, the weapon should be shooting an AEmitter projectile with an OrientToVel tag set randomly between 0.8 and 1. Maybe even change it on the fly. My feeble experiment with setting it with lua was met with failure.
Since the weapon is supposed to hold only 1 round, using tracers to switch rounds is unlikely to work, and it's not the way I'd like it to be either.
Can anyone suggest a good method to make this weapon work as intended? Thanks in advance.