Data Realms Fan Forums

Clown Shield - 21 frames
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Author:  Rawtoast [ Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:06 am ]
Post subject:  Clown Shield - 21 frames


So I've got this shield all sprited out that will hopefully spring a boxing glove out of it. The problem is that the animation for the shield is 21 frames, and I don't know how to work with so many sprites. In particular I am confused about SpriteAnimDuration. Any help?

The file is attached below.

Clown [195.3 KiB]
Downloaded 147 times

Author:  AgentBaron [ Tue Jun 09, 2009 4:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Clown Shield - 21 frames

Just a hypothesis, but I would think SpriteAnimDuration would be how long the animation is active before either idling or stopping altogether. Perhaps in intervals.

If there was a way to change the number of frames per second one could possibly change the speed of the animation. I'll check out the code for a better look, though.

EDIT: Well... what if the device itself emitted the glove, which had its animation... and then, uh... you'd still have to determine the animation speed, which could possibly be determined by SpriteAnimDuration... I think. I've really been wondering about variable animation speed myself, honestly.

Author:  Areku [ Wed Jun 10, 2009 3:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Clown Shield - 21 frames

SpriteAnimDuration simply defines how long the engine takes to show all the frames in a sprite. It is measured in milisseconds, so a SpriteAnimDuration of 1000 means that your sprite will take a single second to show completely, 2000 = 2 seconds, etc.

To determine how long each frame will last, divide the total duration by the number of frames. For example, 20 frames in 2000 milisseconds would make each frame last 2000/20=100, that is, 0,1 second.

Author:  Rawtoast [ Wed Jun 10, 2009 6:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Clown Shield - 21 frames

AgentBaron wrote:
Just a hypothesis, but I would think SpriteAnimDuration would be how long the animation is active before either idling or stopping altogether. Perhaps in intervals.

If there was a way to change the number of frames per second one could possibly change the speed of the animation. I'll check out the code for a better look, though.

EDIT: Well... what if the device itself emitted the glove, which had its animation... and then, uh... you'd still have to determine the animation speed, which could possibly be determined by SpriteAnimDuration... I think. I've really been wondering about variable animation speed myself, honestly.

Yeah, that's what I thought SpriteAnimDuration was about. I mean, that's exactly how it sounds. It's just that if I give it a high value, it doesn't seem to play the frames at a slower speed at all. They always play out the same: about 2 or 3 quick and sketchy frames, then nothing.

Author:  Rawtoast [ Fri Jun 12, 2009 9:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Clown Shield - 21 frames


Author:  AgentBaron [ Mon Jun 15, 2009 3:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Clown Shield - 21 frames

Have you tried giving it a very low number?

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