Data Realms Fan Forums

Help with code for weapon
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Author:  devilsboy005 [ Mon Jun 01, 2009 3:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Help with code for weapon

Hey I was trying to give my mod something to make it stand out and I was wondering how I would code a weapon that would fire a bullet that is a actor, switch you to that actor and then whenever your in control of the bullet you enter bullet time and can control your bullet going up and down in a kinda matrix like thing.

Sorry if you think this is a noobish question but I'm no good with coding.

Author:  Ork-Gothic [ Mon Jun 01, 2009 3:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with code for weapon

devilsboy005 wrote:
Hey I was trying to give my mod something to make it stand out and I was wondering how I would code a weapon that would fire a bullet that is a actor, switch you to that actor and then whenever your in control of the bullet you enter bullet time and can control your bullet going up and down in a kinda matrix like thing.

Sorry if you think this is a noobish question but I'm no good with coding.

write me in private and send me your weapons and your error, I see

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