Hi just thought I would post to let people know I have been tinkering with the coalition drone for my own substitute Whitebot faction and also as practice for my upcoming Cyberdyne faction.
I have created two kinds of Drone by manipulating the standard drone weapon.
They are both basic but when combined work as a nice team
Whitebot Miner Drone
(Fires intensive particle saw in a 90 degree arc producing an effect similar to old worms blowtorch currently set to not dig through metal but great for tunneling and gold collection)
Whitebot Assaulter Drone
(Fires intensive Green particle death blast, great for medium range anti armour, drone can also launch high into the air with multiple jump bursts to cut down dropships)
I will post screens soon and will provide the relevant files.
If anyone has any other suggestions for tinkering with the standard drone please share