Data Realms Fan Forums

Noobos trying [WIP]
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Author:  Noobos [ Sat May 23, 2009 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Noobos trying [WIP]

Well, I thought I have some good or at least not-so-bad ideas, so I'll try to make a mod. I never did anything like it, so it may take a while.

First just some ideas:
  • Sputter cannon: Sprays hot metal. Can be used to repair damaged bunkers as well as a short range weapon. Costs 75oz.
  • EMP blaster: Weapon inspired by The Mind's EMP bomb. Shoots a ball of electromagnetic energy that explodes on impact (or after a short amount of time) Doesn't do any psysical damage, only destroys every robot and craft around the ball (range is wider when exploding). Costs 150oz. Quite heavy. Not suitable for robotic units.
  • Infection spreader: A counterweight to EMP blaster. Fires a swarm of slowly flying infections blobs. Whoever comes near it gets infected (as well as whoever comes near infected person). Infection slowly decreases HP. Doesn't harm robot. Costs 270oz. Thx to Gothic-Ork for the help with offsets
  • Bunker penetrator: Shoots a projectile with high penetration which explodes after 3-5 meters. Explosion isn't too strong, but sufficient to kill nearby soldiers. Good for killing enemies through walls, roofs, crates and stuff. Costs 180oz. As heavy as bazooka.
  • Teleportation disc: Thownable item, that teleports whoever has thrown it on it's position after 3 seconds. Disc is destroyed in the proccess. Costs 30oz. Great for unit too heavy to use their jetpacks. It has a safety chip - can't be used on crowded places.
  • Some sort of energy shield, that covers entire body and repairs itself over time. (Maybe special actor with this ability). The shield itself would be impenetrable while active.

And that's it for now. I hope I'll be able to do at least something :c) Of course any help is welcome.

File comment: Teleporter 100%
EMP blaster 100%
Infection Spreader 50% [19.53 KiB]
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Author:  Brainwashed [ Sun May 24, 2009 12:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Noobos trying [WIP]

These have all already been done, but maybe not exactly the way you're puttin it. There's a metal sprayer in DSMK2's DSTech mod, there's an EMP bomb in some guy's pack of lua'd bombs, there have been countless bunker penetrators to date. Teleportation has been done, but not yet in throwable items, and energy shields have been done, but they don't stick to the actor and can't regenerate, although it would probably be doable.

I think they're pretty good ideas, but not something to try for your first mod.

Author:  Noobos [ Sun May 24, 2009 12:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Noobos trying [WIP]

I know there was some teleport in Crafts, but it's quite different thing. I saw the EMP bomb and that's where I get that idea - I just think cannon's better than a bomb. I haven't noticed any metal sprayer, but still I think my vision is different.
You're maybe right it's not the best idea to start with; but still - I'll give it a try. (I hope I'll start tommorow with the EMP blaster. I fear .ini files more than Lua scripts. And the blaster should be quite similar to Dummy Destoyer Cannon)

I suppose you're right and I'll just start with red zombies and shotgun that looks like a banana, but one shoud be a bit ambicious, shouldn't he? :c)

Author:  Thoughtprocess [ Sun May 24, 2009 12:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Noobos trying [WIP]

Who cares if they've been made before? What if he does it better?

Don't let anyone discourage you from modding for being new. All of those concepts are quite achievable, but what do you need from this thread? Suggestions? Modding help?

If you're just starting, there's a nice (if a bit dated) tutorial here: ... 42#p219542

Or you could try to play with some templates: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=10247

Author:  Noobos [ Sun May 24, 2009 12:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Noobos trying [WIP]

Thoughtprocess: thx for links, they were helpful.

Now I can use some help... I've done a sprite and I was trying to mess with ini files... What I want is a blaster that shoots slowly moving particle which burst into few small ones on impact. None of those particles should do any psysical damage. Also I really suck at positioning sprites (those hands arent holding the gun properly). And actors drop the blaster any time they are hit.

I'll get started with Lua afterwards.

I'd appriciate any help.

File comment: My progress with EMP blaster so far... [5.31 KiB]
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Author:  carriontrooper [ Sun May 24, 2009 1:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Noobos trying [WIP]

up the jointstrength for better handling of weapon.
slowly moving particle... use a MOSRot with MOSRot gibs, add a GlobalAccScalar = 0, and set the bullet ejection speed at low velocities.

Author:  Noobos [ Sun May 24, 2009 5:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Noobos trying [WIP]

Allright, modding isn't as hard as I thought... EMP-B's almost done (check 1st post's edit).

Author:  Mind [ Sun May 24, 2009 9:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Noobos trying [WIP]

Ok, dude. Really not cool. You copied my code into yours, without PM-ing me or even giving me credit. I mean you can really get into trouble for doing this. You didnt make an attempt to PM me, didnt ask me, didnt give me credit in your OP. Seriously, dude, whats your problem? You just made my EMP bomb shoot out of a gun.


Author:  Roy-G-Biv [ Sun May 24, 2009 9:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Noobos trying [WIP]

The Mind wrote:
Ok, dude. Really not cool. You copied my code into yours, without PM-ing me or even giving me credit. I mean you can really get into trouble for doing this. You didnt make an attempt to PM me, didnt ask me, didnt give me credit in your OP. Seriously, dude, whats your problem? You just made my EMP bomb shoot out of a gun.


Did you even read your Lua nade thread?

He did specify that he did this.
Noobos wrote:
I used your modified Lua script for making EMP Blaster (It's in Mod Making). Hope you don't mind.

But you are right about not being credited in the OP.

Author:  Noobos [ Sun May 24, 2009 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Noobos trying [WIP]

That's not exactly true.

Noobos wrote:
I used your modified Lua script for making EMP Blaster (It's in Mod Making). Hope you don't mind.

Sun May 24, 2009 6:58 pm @ \\\Lua Grenade Technologies///-Update 5/22/09

And well - I didn't copy your script, I just get Inspired by it. Really. (Yours has 7 lines, mine 46.)
I'm sorry if I upset you.

Author:  Mind [ Sun May 24, 2009 9:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Noobos trying [WIP]

Noobos wrote:
That's not exactly true.

Noobos wrote:
I used your modified Lua script for making EMP Blaster (It's in Mod Making). Hope you don't mind.

Sun May 24, 2009 6:58 pm @ \\\Lua Grenade Technologies///-Update 5/22/09

And well - I didn't copy your script, I just get Inspired by it. Really. (Yours has 7 lines, mine 46.)
I'm sorry if I upset you.

Um, even though mine is seven, theyre basically the same idea. Before you go and use other people's codes, you really need to ask, and if they say ok, use the idea, and give them credit in the OP.

Thats all im saying :/

Author:  Noobos [ Sun May 24, 2009 9:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Noobos trying [WIP]

I should PM you in advance, that's true. Sorry. I just disagree that my work is just a crib.

Noobos wrote:
EMP blaster: Weapon inspired by The Mind's EMP bomb.

Author:  Mind [ Sun May 24, 2009 9:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Noobos trying [WIP]

Noobos wrote:
I should PM you in advance, that's true. Sorry.

Noobos wrote:
EMP blaster: Weapon inspired by The Mind's EMP bomb.

I'm happy now, i guess. Thanks for the credit

Author:  Noobos [ Mon May 25, 2009 1:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Noobos trying [WIP]

I've almost finished the Teleportation Disc - but it still sometimes explodes when it's not supposed to. Can anyone help? Also, how can I create some sparkles (MOPixels) with Lua (I want different effect when disc malfunctions)?
Also I added an effect to EMP blaster - now it's visible when some robots suffers from electromagnetic field.

Any feedback is welcome.

File comment: EMP blaster 100%
Teleportation Disc 99% [15.43 KiB]
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Author:  Noobos [ Wed May 27, 2009 10:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Noobos trying [WIP]

Teleportation disc complete. :)

I was working on Infection Spreader, I got help with spriting (thx Ork-Gothic) but now I've got a problem with Lua. Can someone pls take a look? It's just not working, although I think it should... :cry:

In the Kopie - InfectionSpreader2.lua file is an old version of the script. I'm quite new with Lua, I've probably bitten a piece larger than I could chew, but whatever :grin:

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