Data Realms Fan Forums

how do you reload an rte without reloading the entire game
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Author:  cambiogris [ Wed May 13, 2009 11:23 pm ]
Post subject:  how do you reload an rte without reloading the entire game

irc is worthless so

Author:  Grif [ Thu May 14, 2009 12:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: how do you reload an rte without reloading the entire game

Depends what you need to re-load.

If it's an actor or gun, then you can use the actor viewer.

To load an actor, simply make it, go into actor viewer, then use the Force .Ini Reload function.

To re-load a gun, simply duplicate a standard actor and AddInventoryItem = HDFirearm/CopyOf = yourgun.

For anything else (assuming there's no button in b23 for it), you're SOL.

Author:  numgun [ Thu May 14, 2009 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: how do you reload an rte without reloading the entire game

Grif wrote:
To re-load a gun, simply duplicate a standard actor and AddInventoryItem = HDFirearm/CopyOf = yourgun.

What I did in my BW mod is make everything load through the actor.

I had every IncludeFile all in the beginning of the actor's .ini file. This would allow instantly to reload the whole thing through the actor viewer.

Doesnt work if you made changes to a sprite though : /

For reloading Lua scripts, use this:

The next new objects that arrive in the scene will have the new script loaded on them.

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