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more accurate rocket launcher? (solved)
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Author:  Mikromancer [ Tue Feb 10, 2009 6:23 am ]
Post subject:  more accurate rocket launcher? (solved)

ok, following the release of ivan's Space marines and the discussion thereafter about bolters and rocket propelled rounds i went and re-coded the rocket launcher to work more like a bolter.

unfortunately, even after removing the particle spread and aim spread, ther projectiles hit everywhere but where they're aimed, that's problem one. how do i make them more accurate, like bobafett's version.

problem two is the burst of the projectile itself. it's coded to use grenade fragment gray and yellow, i wanted to reduce the burst to such a small burst that you can blow someone's leg off, but not get his torso, unfortunately, after scaling the lifetime of the grenade fragments back to 1 it was still being stubborn and exploding all over the place.

If anyone can help with these issues, that would be great.

uploading now. i recoloured ivan's sprite and renamed the gun so it's not too hard to miss. still uses the sounds tho.

edit: the new rte is there now.
ok, i got them to go straight. and i got a shell-casing to come out.Added custom versions of the granade fragments, they arent seeming to work. the new problem is that it doesnt hit anything but terrain (ie. flies straight through doors actors. etc.) and if it does hit the thing decides not to burst half the time anymore.

i think it might be something to do with the grenade fragments it gibs into. and something about hitsMOs? i dont know, i dont play with ammo very often...

Author:  Shook [ Tue Feb 10, 2009 1:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: more accurate rocket launcher?

Mikromancer wrote:
problem two is the burst of the projectile itself. it's coded to use grenade fragment gray and yellow, i wanted to reduce the burst to such a small burst that you can blow someone's leg off, but not get his torso, unfortunately, after scaling the lifetime of the grenade fragments back to 1 it was still being stubborn and exploding all over the place.

This is fairly easily solved... As you already have experienced, the lifetime of anything can't be lower than 1 frame, which is roughly 16-17 milliseconds. So if you set it to... 15, and you want the fragments to travel a shorter distance than they do, you need to lower the velocity of the fragments. To find out how many pixels per frame they travel, take the velocity and divide by three. From the sounds of it, you'd need a velocity of around 9 or something. To compensate for the lower impulse, you should either up the fragments' mass or sharpness.

Mikromancer wrote:
the new problem is that it doesnt hit anything but terrain (ie. flies straight through doors actors. etc.) and if it does hit the thing decides not to burst half the time anymore.

This is an issue with very small sprites, this collision faultiness. I think that the very smallest you can have a sprite that collides with people is 2x2 pixels, but if it already is that size (or bigger), you need to have a look at the AtomGroup.
   AtomGroup = AtomGroup
      AutoGenerate = 1
      Material = Material
         CopyOf = Military Stuff
      Resolution = 2
      Depth = 0

The number you see after Depth should be zero. If that doesn't work, i'm afraid i'm stumped.
The issue with the round not bursting is just a matter of setting the right GibImpulseLimit. If it doesn't explode, try lowering it.

Edit: Hmm, after looking at the .rte, it looks like you need to make the bolts sprite bigger (Or just longer, it should hit with the front anyhow), and set the GibImpulseLimit lower.

Author:  Mikromancer [ Tue Feb 10, 2009 9:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: more accurate rocket launcher?

thanks shook, am testing the code now, lengthened the bold by another 2x2 square.
the gibimpulselimit for the original rocket was 20, but i suppose the rocket was fairly heavy. and when i changed it down to 5 it exploded as soon as it hit air. anyways, gunna go test it now.

also, your mods are awesome :)

edit: works better than i thought. i'm gunna ramp up the ROF but make it a Semi-auto, that should satisfy the fluff ( i think)

added a heavy variant, it's kinda sick. still not bursting exactly how i like, but it does a lot of damage, so it's all good. also posting new rte

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