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My Mammoth Tank Eats The Map!
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Author:  Geti [ Sun Jan 18, 2009 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  My Mammoth Tank Eats The Map!

not through walkpaths. those need tweaking but thats not it.
what is wrong is that the atoms eat the terrain, it gets stuck, the deepgroups eat the terrain, and you end up with a tank at the bottom of a trench. have a look at what it did on prom grounds.

this is unacceptable, obviously, but im unable to fix it. if anyone has any idea how to do this, or just wants to have a fiddle around with a massive tank, ill give you a big credit on the release if you can make this thing move properly. current spriting credits go mostly to nachos, the good man. ive been making the gibs. most of the effects arent done, but whatever, have a play about. walkpaths need work, jet offsets need work, and the whole thing needs some polish. but priority one, and i dont care how you do it (heck, play with the walkpaths if it works), make this not devour terrain!

thanks in advance, drlff. <3

Author:  Roon3 [ Sun Jan 18, 2009 3:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My Mammoth Tank Eats The Map!

I'll take a look, looks cool from the pics.

Author:  Geti [ Sun Jan 18, 2009 3:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My Mammoth Tank Eats The Map!

its going to look cooler after i get this problem sorted. :)

Author:  Roon3 [ Sun Jan 18, 2009 4:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My Mammoth Tank Eats The Map!

A few things I noticed:
you created this huge atomgroup and you aren't using it, (HugeFootL) use it.
Also make atomgroup depth larger than the deepgroup depth (I did 10 and 2) that way it won't eat terrain.
Also it cant really move, redo the walkpaths.
If that doesn't work I'm clueless...

Author:  Spartancat [ Sun Jan 18, 2009 6:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My Mammoth Tank Eats The Map!

Geti wrote:
not through walkpaths. those need tweaking but thats not it.
what is wrong is that the atoms eat the terrain, it gets stuck, the deepgroups eat the terrain, and you end up with a tank at the bottom of a trench. have a look at what it did on prom grounds.

this is unacceptable, obviously, but im unable to fix it. if anyone has any idea how to do this, or just wants to have a fiddle around with a massive tank, ill give you a big credit on the release if you can make this thing move properly. current spriting credits go mostly to nachos, the good man. ive been making the gibs. most of the effects arent done, but whatever, have a play about. walkpaths need work, jet offsets need work, and the whole thing needs some polish. but priority one, and i dont care how you do it (heck, play with the walkpaths if it works), make this not devour terrain!

thanks in advance, drlff. <3

I dunno what to say, but that tank is awsome and i always wanted tank in cc so thanks very very much.
And i hope that its cooler and better when its done.

Author:  maddog321 [ Sun Jan 18, 2009 6:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My Mammoth Tank Eats The Map!

The only thing I can think of is the mass of the tank, but you probably got that just right already. Other than that, the tank is awesome. Did you get the idea from Ivan's tank?

Author:  chilichickenionator [ Sun Jan 18, 2009 7:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My Mammoth Tank Eats The Map!

maddog321 wrote:
The only thing I can think of is the mass of the tank, but you probably got that just right already. Other than that, the tank is awesome. Did you get the idea from Ivan's tank?

i edited mass alot and it wont sink alot(just the way i like it) :grin:

Author:  Grif [ Sun Jan 18, 2009 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My Mammoth Tank Eats The Map!

Try lowering the gravity some, I guess?

If you're sure the walkpaths and atomgroups aren't the problem that's the best I can give you; editing the mass would ruin it.

Author:  chilichickenionator [ Sun Jan 18, 2009 8:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My Mammoth Tank Eats The Map!

Grif wrote:
editing the mass would ruin it.

tried again, if theres any weight on top of the tank it sinks :-(

Author:  Geti [ Mon Jan 19, 2009 1:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My Mammoth Tank Eats The Map!

eh, i noticed that some vanilla stuff has more than one deepgroup, i think i might try that with atomgroups and see if it works, to give better collisions with terrain... well, it defines, and it eats terrain less, but now it gets stuck everywhere ><
still working on it, probably will be all day. roon, im using both those atomgroups for footgroups, go have a look. grif: im hoping i dont have to, as i dont want an antigravity tank (especially with how fun it is to stop people with :D) but it might be the only way. im heavily modifying the walkpaths now though, we'll see if that helps..

Author:  Geti [ Mon Jan 19, 2009 4:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My Mammoth Tank Eats The Map!

i was thining about that, i might later, for now i want a huge tank and some high quality weapons. if you want it, just make a heavy object with a deepgroup and a jetpack, and you're off.

Author:  Darlos9D [ Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My Mammoth Tank Eats The Map!

I see Roon3 was completely ignored. So I will re-iterate.

USE A WIDER ATOMGROUP FOR THE FEET. It will distribute the weight of the tank over a wider surface and greatly decrease its effects on terrain. For something this big, make the atom group, like, 20-40 pixels wide (the default foot group is 5 pixels wide).

I know for a fact that this works, because I did it to fix the Bear Federation tanks, and it worked.

Now do this and release this darn thing, because it looks epic.

Author:  Geti [ Mon Jan 19, 2009 10:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My Mammoth Tank Eats The Map!

please see what i have said: THE FOOTGROUP IS 40 ♥♥♥♥ PX WIDE :)
i think it is the walkgroup now, it cant move. hold on, ill extract it from the other weapons again and post in its current state. it doesnt eat terrain, it just fails at moving, and gets embedded in the terrain.. maybe i should make its atomgroup as low a density as possible, so if it gets stuck it doesnt eat out horribly scribbly sections.

anyway, you'll see when you DL. also, for some reason my gib editor doesnt want to save the gun offsets, it crashes. so off to doing it manually >< if someone would place them onto the gun, i would be much obliged.. ill also remove all the gib groups when im done, and make the emitters for the smoke on the wreakage not push them. and make sub-gibs. and then make a few badass rebels (basically rebel ronins with more improvised/stolen ♥♥♥♥) and complete the guns im working on. im really happy with the shotgun so far.. once i have it all working okay ill post to get stomped on by the angry hoards.. but ill probably give an alpha-ish release when the tank is aproaching done.

Author:  Winterous [ Tue Jan 20, 2009 3:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My Mammoth Tank Eats The Map!

Cool, but I can't help :'(

Author:  deathbal101 [ Tue Jan 20, 2009 4:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My Mammoth Tank Eats The Map!

useful post..

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