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My weapon mod crashes the game.
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Author:  volt [ Mon Dec 29, 2008 12:04 pm ]
Post subject:  My weapon mod crashes the game.

It's been ages since I made a weapon mod for this game, and I was having alot of problems. It kept crashing with messages telling me where something was wrong, and the latest one was where the gun image was, It kind of pretended It didn't exist. I changed the files about today, and now It just crashes with the default "Send error report/Don't send". I've tried using different ways of making Gun.ini's, but non of them work.

Can anyone link me to a basic tutorial, and not just a template?

Author:  Exalion [ Mon Dec 29, 2008 1:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My weapon mod crashes the game.

well, I can't think of any decent tutorials off the top of my head, but what a MOD needs is:

an index.ini in the rte, and (in a device's case) device.ini (sub in whatever instead of device)

A device needs: A round, a magazine, and a gun. rounds use a default casing unless you either make your own or turn them off, and magazines are the same when it comes to tracer rounds.

Most errors are caused by problems in the syntax, you may be using old code, have a typo somewhere, an incorrect path or you may have corrupted your ini, in which case you have to use trial and error to find the corrupted code and then remove it. The templates are excellent because you know it works to start with, and you can just work from there.

My advice when using a template is.

rename everything straight-away. Nothing causes problems like leaving the template names the same.

just use the replace all tool for that. make it like replace 'gun template' with 'whateveryou'recallingyourgun'

If you want specific variable functions, all I can do in my lazyness is say use common sense and don't touch anything you don't get. And remember to back up before experimenting.

good luck, I hope some of that crap was at least partly useful.

Author:  volt [ Mon Dec 29, 2008 2:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My weapon mod crashes the game.

I noticed a weird problem. It seems to be something to do with my gun sprite, as the gun template came with 2 guns, only one of them works, the other comes up with the same error as my gun. Is it something to do with how I saved It? (16 bit CC pallet)

Author:  L-A [ Mon Dec 29, 2008 3:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My weapon mod crashes the game.

volt wrote:
I noticed a weird problem. It seems to be something to do with my gun sprite, as the gun template came with 2 guns, only one of them works, the other comes up with the same error as my gun. Is it something to do with how I saved It? (16 bit CC pallet)

16 bits? That's not a BMP, is it?

If you did it in photoshop, make sure you don't convert the color profile, import the palette from palette.bmp in Base.rte, save it to BMP, and everything should be fine.

Author:  volt [ Mon Dec 29, 2008 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My weapon mod crashes the game.

I was using graphics gale, what I did was get a weapon from the Base.rte folder and the palette was already set up, but I think It was saving wrong. It is a .BMP, I could use Photoshop, however.

Author:  Ultric [ Mon Dec 29, 2008 4:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My weapon mod crashes the game.

Upload the rte please. That's the quickest way to find a problem.
Also, post screenshots of the errors. Like I once said, we can only help you based on what you give us.

Author:  volt [ Mon Dec 29, 2008 4:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My weapon mod crashes the game.

Ok, here's the file. Also, I tried doing it with photoshop, and I got the same error.

Author:  Ultric [ Mon Dec 29, 2008 4:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My weapon mod crashes the game.

AddDevice = HDFirearm
   PresetName = Thompson
   Description = Thomspon
   AddToGroup = Weapons
   Mass = 10
   HitsMOs = 0
   GetsHitByMOs = 1
   SpriteFile = ContentFile
      FilePath = Thompson.rte/Images/Gun001.bmp
   FrameCount = 2

I believe your problem is right there.
If I'm correct, you want the Gun001.bmp for your gun sprite.
I think the way you fix this is to make Gun001.bmp Gun000.bmp and vice versa.
Then, change FrameCount to 1 and FilePath to Thompson.rte/Images/Gun.bmp and that should do it.
You might want to check out ChJees .rte inspector.

Author:  volt [ Mon Dec 29, 2008 7:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My weapon mod crashes the game.

Thanks. Now I'm trying to make a sniper rifle, but can only get It to do about 10 damage, which parts should I edit for maybe 2 shot kill?

Author:  Manticore [ Tue Dec 30, 2008 9:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My weapon mod crashes the game.

ive found that snipers work a bit better without extra fire velocity. try mass and sharpness. make mass high enough to pierce armor but not enough to say blow off a leg.

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