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Index.ini not reading
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Author:  Solace [ Wed Dec 24, 2008 7:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Index.ini not reading

Ok, if you look at the main Index.ini you might notice it references a nonexistant folder containing a nonexistant Index.ini. However, it has no problem loading. Clearly my index has given up on me using any more folders and I have no clue why. x.x

Author:  ChJees [ Wed Dec 24, 2008 9:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Index.ini not reading

When i used my latest version of Rte Inspector so did it crash when it tried to read any of the Index.ini files.

I will dig and see what is wrong.

Edit: I found out what is wrong. The parser system does not take so kindly in using TABs ( \t ) if no higher variable exists.



   IncludeFile = SInc.rte/Gorepainter/Sprayers.ini


IncludeFile = SInc.rte/Gorepainter/Sprayers.ini

Hmm, i should add detectors for NULL nodes before adding stuff and making it report to a Error message queue. :3

And another thing, it would be nice if the folder Mines would exist in your mod :P.

Author:  Solace [ Wed Dec 24, 2008 10:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Index.ini not reading

Well, the problem is the files in the folder wouldn't actually show up ingame, and I found out that removing the folder in question didn't change things, so I thought it might be the referencing. Unfortunately, removing the extra spaces didn't seem to help...

(note, I know the weapon in there is just a grenade resprite, I want it to load before I actually make it do stuff)

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