Dauss> I have some code that breaks the game, can you help D:
<Grifugh> what's the uh
<Grifugh> game break
<Dauss> Hold on
<Dauss> Also ♥♥♥♥ what is the site for dumping code again
<Grifugh> rafb.net/paste
http://rafb.net/p/cvcoww20.html <Grifugh> okay
<Grifugh> what is the error
<Dauss> Not sure exactly, it usually just crashes the game on the third line and refuses to tell me why. 'Encountered a problem'
<Dauss> Let me try loading it again and see if it says something different
<Dauss> Could not match property
<Dauss> At line 8
<Grifugh> wait
<Grifugh> what
<Grifugh> you have an mopixel with a sprite
<Grifugh> well there's your problem
<Grifugh> SpriteFile = ContentFile
<Grifugh> FilePath = Base.rte/Effects/Gibs/MetalDarkTinyA.bmp
<Grifugh> baleet
<Dauss> This was told to me that it would fix.
<Dauss> Before it was a color
<Dauss> And it still crashed
<Grifugh> what
<Dauss> Anyways let me try now
<Grifugh> 's cool
<Grifugh> no
<Grifugh> it won't work now
<Dauss> Oh
<Grifugh> probably
<Dauss> Ok
<Dauss> what should I do then?
<Grifugh> uh
<Grifugh> hmm
<Grifugh> I do not have CC on this computer
<Grifugh> let me go try and find a copy of MOPixel code
<Dauss> D:
<Dauss> OK
<Dauss> Ok*
<Dauss> Yeah it's doing what it did before now
<Dauss> Crashing with no error.
http://rafb.net/p/l6SOTz76.html <Grifugh> try that
<Dauss> Crashing on line 1.
<Dauss> 'Encountered a problem and needs to close.'
<Grifugh> add whitespace at the beginning
<Grifugh> just hit enter a few times
<Dauss> wat
<Dauss> Ok >_>
<Dauss> 10 lines of space,
<Dauss> Still crashing on line 1.
<Grifugh> okay
<Grifugh> see so the problem isn't the code
<Grifugh> it's that CC doesn't like you
<Dauss> >_>
<Grifugh> this is helping
<Dauss> Ok
<Grifugh> okay
<Grifugh> add the following code to the very beginning
<Grifugh> you'll have to tab it
<Dauss> Ok
<Grifugh> AddAmmo = TDExplosive
<Grifugh> CopyOf = Frag Grenade
<Dauss> ._.
<Dauss> Same thing still
<Grifugh> line 1?
<Dauss> Mhm
<Grifugh> okay what's the filename of your .ini
<Dauss> BROKENCODE.ini
<Dauss> :P
<Grifugh> seriously
<Grifugh> it matters
<Dauss> That is the file name
<Dauss> I named it that because it was broken
<Dauss> Before it was a part of explosives.ini in landmine.rte
<Dauss> But I put it in another file to seperate it
<Dauss> Oh
<Dauss> We have progress.
<Grifugh> oh?
<Dauss> Now there's a problem in index.ini
<Grifugh> oh wow
<Dauss> Nevermind,
<Dauss> Same problem
<Grifugh> okay
<Grifugh> comment out Brokencode.ini in index.ini
<Dauss> I have, it loads the rest of the mod fine
<Grifugh> okay
<Grifugh> so CC hates your .ini
<Grifugh> make a new one
<Grifugh> copy the code in
<Dauss> Ok
<Dauss> But it was hating the code before when it was part of the original ini
<Grifugh> leave brokencode.ini with the "Addammo = frag grenade" part
<Grifugh> and leave it uncommented
<Grifugh> we're making an empty .ini for the game to load past to check if it will load with it empty
<Grifugh> but cc doesn't actually load EMPTY inis so we have to leave pointless code
<Dauss> What kind of encoding am I looker for here?
<Grifugh> in this case addammo = tdexplosive
<Grifugh> hmm?
<Grifugh> oh um
<Grifugh> save as > all files > newini.ini
<Grifugh> default encoding should work
<Grifugh> ANSI iirc
<Dauss> It looks like a regular notepad text file, and not like the others.
<Grifugh> hmm.
<Grifugh> are you on XP or vista
<Dauss> Nevermind I fixed it
<Dauss> XP
<Dauss> >: |
<Dauss> It loads BROKENCODE now just fine,
<Dauss> And crashes on the new one
<Dauss> Line 1
<Grifugh> hmm.
<Grifugh> hmmmmmmmm.
<Grifugh> hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm.
<Dauss> Do I make a mod making post? : |
<Grifugh> try adding the sticky bomb coding into a working .ini that isn't brokencode
<Dauss> I put it back into the original explosives.ini
<Dauss> It crashes at line 300
<Dauss> Same thing, encountered a problem