Where have the editor gibs gone?
I'm currently working on a rather compact dropship, made for firing bombs into the ground. Don't know if it'll ever get released. Sprites are pending.
Being the lazy person I am, I expected that once I had a working version I could simply fire up the gib editor and pack it with the encyclopedia of premade gibs found in the game. I dont particularly like doing it manually. Rather dissapointed, I found that the lists of gibs had dissapeered. I remember there being large lists of different colours of metal shards and all sorts of head splitting high velocity shrapnel. The menu only has all the completed devices and actors. However you can still open them all up and see them made up of all the gibs I'm after.
Most gibs are also still in the bunker editor aswell.
Is there any quick fix of editing indexes or something to make them appear in the menu?
Any help would be muchly appreciated.