Re: Gibbed Explosives - B22 Change
Comment wrote:
ActivatesWhenReleased = 0 doesn't change anything in this context, so I'll have to convert to an emitter. Will the emitter gib automatically like an explosive once its LifeTime has run out, or am I going to have to do something trickier?
Create all the parts for the explosion, with necessary velocity.
Create an MOS Rotating with a gib impuse for how you want it to explode.
Create a TDExplosive, with a lifetime of 1
make the TDExplosive, explode with 1 of above MOSR, with 0 velocity.
Make a gun fire that TDExplosive.
This works, I did it in B20, B21, and I'm doing it now in B22. Now, a Grenade may not gib, from other gibs, but thats also wrong, my B21 pirate mod does just that, TDE's set off by other TDEs. so more correctly, they can't be set off by MOSR Gibs, but MOPixel and MOParticle do just fine, if there sharp enough.
In other words, If it can wound through sharpness, not mass, it will set off TDEs, MOSR's can gib from sharpness OR mass.
At least thats as far as I've seen.
Comment wrote:
Also, another unrelated problem: I've put attachables (such as a solider's helmet) on an actor, but the BreakWound I've put on them doesn't do any damage to the actor. Is this a limitation of the engine, or is there a trick to getting the wound to hurt the actor?
yes, thats the point of attaching things to other things.
a helmet is a shield for your head, in order to wound a soldier wearing a helmet, something has to hit hard enough to create an entry wound, an exit wound, and still be able to wound the actor. thats the point.