Re: Gargant 99% and new ORKS
Ork-Gothic wrote:
I seem that 500 heal this orderly, this Gargant
I understand that you want to make him tough, but this is not the way, it has a small problem there: If you place the Gargant in the bunker building menu, it will not cost the amount you set for it, (for example, 1000 oz gold) it will be 5 times more than that or however that calculation works.
Now instead of setting the health like that you can make the following changes to make him equally more stronger and without bugs.
ImpulseDamageThreshold = 1600
^By increasing this variable will make him/it more stronger for falling damage.
Its under the Health variable usually.
Next is giving the gargant custom wounds (the metal hole created when a bullet hits the Gargant).
EntryWound = AEmitter
CopyOf = Dent Metal
ExitWound = AEmitter
CopyOf = Dent Metal
^These are the ones that cause that -1 damage each time a bullet hits the Gargant. They are emitters and you can use their properties to your advantage.
Lets look at this Dent Metal emitter:
AddEffect = AEmitter
PresetName = Dent Metal
Mass = 0.0001
HitsMOs = 0
GetsHitByMOs = 0
SpriteFile = ContentFile
FilePath = Base.rte/Effects/Wounds/MetalWoundB.bmp
FrameCount = 1
SpriteOffset = Vector
X = -2
Y = -2
AtomGroup = AtomGroup
AutoGenerate = 1
Material = Material
CopyOf = Military Stuff
Resolution = 2
Depth = 5
DeepGroup = AtomGroup
AutoGenerate = 1
Material = Material
CopyOf = Military Stuff
Resolution = 3
Depth = 5
DeepCheck = 0
JointStrength = 10000
JointStiffness = 1
DrawAfterParent = 1
AddEmission = Emission
EmittedParticle = MOPixel
CopyOf = Spark Yellow 1
Spread = 0.2
MaxVelocity = 6
MinVelocity = 3
AddEmission = Emission
EmittedParticle = MOPixel
CopyOf = Spark Yellow 2
Spread = 0.2
MaxVelocity = 6
MinVelocity = 3
// EmissionSound = Sound
// AddSample = ContentFile
// FilePath = Base.rte/
// LoopSetting = -1 // Means loop infinitely until stopped
BurstSound = Sound
CopyOf = Metal Penetration Hit
// EndSound = Sound
// AddSample = ContentFile
// FilePath = Base.rte/
EmissionEnabled = 1
EmissionsIgnoreThis = 1
ParticlesPerMinute = 0
BurstSize = 10
BurstScale = 4
BurstDamage = 1
BurstTriggered = 1
EmissionDamage = 0
Flash = None
FlashOnlyOnBurst = 0
^There you go, now lets look at the bottom part more closely, its the important part here:
EmissionEnabled = 1
EmissionsIgnoreThis = 1
ParticlesPerMinute = 0
BurstSize = 10
BurstScale = 4
BurstDamage = 1
BurstTriggered = 1
EmissionDamage = 0
Flash = None
FlashOnlyOnBurst = 0
^Now look there are 2 variables:
BurstDamage and
Since the Gargant is a giant metal beast, we will not need EmissionDamage now.
Now you want to make the Gargant have 500hp, you can achieve this by setting the
BurstDamage to 0,2 (100hp / 5x = 0,2). Now you have a wound that gives only 0,2 damage and this means it takes 500 hits to kill the Gargant HP wise. Remember to set the GibWoundLimit high enough to compensate this.
The meaning of this post is to make modders understand why altering the Health variable for normal controllable units is no good.