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Warhammer Mod
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Author:  Exmortis [ Thu Aug 14, 2008 3:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Warhammer Mod

Hey guys!

First post here, going to say I love Cortex Command more then my own children, if I had any that is, and have been loving the modding community just as much.

I'm also a big fan of Warhammer 40k, and the pure might of the Imperial Space Marines! I recently downloaded the warhammer gun mod thats on the mod forums, but it just doesn't feel right. The bolter doesn't shoot fast enough and the bolts don't look right, and the explosions are vastly too large, also the shoota ain got enuf dakka! I've though of bringing this up with the guy who's made it, but I feel I should do this myself. I've looked at the coding, and I can be honest, I have no idea what I'm looking at.

I've done some research, and what I basically want to do is change the round fired from the Bolter from the squarish thing it is now, to look more like the AK round, but still explode on impact. I've looked at how they've done it with the AK, and how they've done it but I just can't figure out how to make it not only be a particle, but also explode on impact!

Any help or gentle nudges in the right direction would be great!


Author:  p3lb0x [ Thu Aug 14, 2008 4:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Warhammer Mod

Brace for impact

Author:  RyaWolf [ Thu Aug 14, 2008 4:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Warhammer Mod

Just don't think of making tyranids..... It would be a horrible failure, also make the imperial guard about the size of a coalition soldier... The space marines should be a bit taller then the coalition to make them look more superhuman. Also make some deepstrike craft for the space marines to drop in... Maybe make a dreadnought with a flamer or something...

Author:  numgun [ Thu Aug 14, 2008 4:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Warhammer Mod

p3lb0x wrote:
Brace for impact

I dont think hes requesting someone to do it for him dude, he seems to be actually willing to do it himself.

I suggest you check out the CC wiki and its tutorials. Also in modmaking theres a topic by lordtim on modmaking beginners. Check those and you should get a good start in modding.

Author:  Exmortis [ Thu Aug 14, 2008 4:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Warhammer Mod

Haha no, I'm not requesting someone to make.
I want to make it myself!

I've checked the wiki but seem unable to find anything helpful, however, I will search further!

I've made some changes already, but can't seem to get the whole exploding thing down pat.

I do intend to make some actors, and probably won't be Tyranids mainly because I'm not a big fan of Xenos. And a space marine would probably be much taller then an Imperial Guard, as they are about 6 feet tall max, and a space marine is around 8-9 feet tall plus while armoured. If we go on the actual lore instead of the game, which I will be doing.

Anyway, I'll recheck the wiki, thanks!


Author:  p3lb0x [ Thu Aug 14, 2008 5:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Warhammer Mod

Oh, good. Sorry for the pessimistic first reply

Author:  uberhen [ Thu Aug 14, 2008 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Warhammer Mod

Exmortis, look here. You should be able to create your own version by studying its code. :)

Author:  Control [ Fri Aug 15, 2008 11:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Warhammer Mod

Exmortis wrote:
I've looked at how they've done it with the AK, and how they've done it but I just can't figure out how to make it not only be a particle, but also explode on impact!

Gibbing (and through that, exploding) MOPixels are impossible this build. It makes us all very sad.

The bolter rounds in the 40k pack are squarish because that's really the only way to do it.

Author:  Exmortis [ Sat Aug 16, 2008 6:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Warhammer Mod

I realised it was impossible to do shortly after actually starting it, however now I am just trying to add a trail onto the bolter round to make it look like the AK round. I have made progress, however I am not sure if it's in the right direction. Now the bullets leave a hail of yellow pixels behind it every time I fire. It actually looks awesome, but not good for frame rate.

I've done some study on the Exploding Bullets code, but I can't seem to port that over due to the fact the Exploding Bullets code doesn't seem to actually load in the game.

I'm thinking if I reduce the life of the raining pixel to only a few seconds, increase the frequency they are released they are released and decrease their mass so they don't fall, might get the effect I want.

Fingers crossed!

Author:  Grif [ Sat Aug 16, 2008 6:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Warhammer Mod

Jesus christ what is wrong with kids these days.


The only way to slow down its falling is either a emitter which wouldn't work on an mopixel anyways or b pinning it, which removes gravity altogether.

Author:  Exmortis [ Sat Aug 16, 2008 7:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Warhammer Mod

Haha Grif. Yeah I kinda wasn't thinking when I typed that. I'm aware the lowering mass doesn't reduce gravity.

However, I am at a loss at where to go from here, I've tried everything I can think of. What I may do is search the forums for a similar type of weapon that has a sprite as the projectile but also has a trail on it, and see how they did it.

Thanks for the help, it did allow me to get a lot of other stuff done!

Author:  Grif [ Sat Aug 16, 2008 7:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Warhammer Mod

The only way to get any kind of trail is with an emitter, and then have it emit pinned particles. Darlos', Capnbub's and my pack all use it on various weapons.

Author:  uberhen [ Sat Aug 16, 2008 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Warhammer Mod

Exmortis wrote:
I've done some study on the Exploding Bullets code, but I can't seem to port that over due to the fact the Exploding Bullets code doesn't seem to actually load in the game.

Nevermind, I guess you had seen my post. Try redownloading.

Author:  Amazigh [ Sat Aug 16, 2008 1:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Warhammer Mod

Exmortis wrote:
I've done some study on the Exploding Bullets code, but I can't seem to port that over due to the fact the Exploding Bullets code doesn't seem to actually load in the game.

Should work if you redownload it now i had got it using a sprite from another mod but it should work now

Author:  Caelas [ Sun Aug 24, 2008 11:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Warhammer Mod

Hey, I'm behind the warhammer mod you dl'ed and I'd liek to say it is far from done. I know it is not a good representative, and that's why I kinda lost initiative in the mod. You are free to join the team and help develop the mod now that I am now enlightened to fix it. Do you have vent? Pm me please.

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