Data Realms Fan Forums

If Modding were a profession...
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Author:  Yoman987 [ Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:11 pm ]
Post subject:  If Modding were a profession...

...then what positions would there be? Like Spriter, programmer, manager etc. and what would they do (apart from the obvious)
NOTE: If you have an answer, or you think you do, to this question, please post MULTIPLE 'positions', not just one cos that wont really help as much.

POSITIONS: (Most Important to Least Important)
'Ideas-Man' x2?
Programmer/Coder x3
Spriter/Artist x3

Author:  numgun [ Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: If Modding were a profession...

I'd be freelance and do it all myself.

Author:  Brainwashed [ Tue Jun 24, 2008 1:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Modding? A Profession?

Meh. Are you saying that there could be people paid to develop mods for a game? That seems kind of pointless. Modding is for the game's users to have fun with, not for a group of workers to work on. But oh well. I'll tag along, since this isn't real.

So you said there'd be a manager? Like a team leader? And a work supervisor? The manager can do that, I'm sure. And then, what about the idea finders? Can't they just take the rest of the people and have them brainstorm? Idea-finding isn't (and can't be) a job. Spriters and coders x 3... for what? I don't think you need as much spriters as you need coders. Spriters make the sprites, which takes less time in my opinion, and coders have to devise how the sprite will work and react to its environment and the stuff that happens to it. So yes, maybe just one spriter and one coder, since coding gets pretty messy when too many people are working on the same thing, and the coding won't be of the same quality, which is extremely important. There would be flaws in the mod.


Manager: 1
Spriter: 1
Coder: 1

And maybe you could add a person that gives his/her opinion on the sprites and coding, but that person wouldn't get paid.

Hmm... four people... when only one can do all their work. Well, if numgun, Darlos, Shook, No_One, Lord Tim, zalo, capnubs and so many others have succeeded in the creation of their mods - alone,- I think four people is quite unecessary. Look at what individual workers do. Look at what corps do. The difference is blatant.

Author:  robolee [ Tue Jun 24, 2008 2:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: If Modding were a profession...

If it were a commercial mod it would be a total conversion and would be made of many factions. I would say Concept Artist and story boarder, "Programmer", Artist/spriter, director, quality control/tester. You see when we make an individual mod we take all these roles.

For the actual making of the game Data takes programmer and director and Prom takes concept artist and spriter, they plot the game collaboratively, and we are the testers (after a bit of quality control and testing by Data/Promster to get the major bugs out).

Author:  Shook [ Tue Jun 24, 2008 3:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: If Modding were a profession...

numgun/Shook wrote:
I'd be freelance and do it all myself.


But that aside, i suck badly at spriting. So i'd say coder/'ideas man', because i love
making new and fun stuff for CC.
[sarcasm]And put me as three points on both, because i'm just that awesome.[/sarcasm]

Author:  Roy-G-Biv [ Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: If Modding were a profession...

Let's see, Most Important to least Important.


And, I'd probabily fit up at Spriter/Artist, but my spriting is good w/ a pallate, not good without, and my skills aren't really numgun/capnbubs.

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