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Beginner's Woes [Error not making sense]
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Author:  Uprightpath [ Thu May 29, 2008 6:19 am ]
Post subject:  Beginner's Woes [Error not making sense]

I'm just actually starting my Modding in the game, and I'm running into some rather odd errors, or semi-errors.

Whenever I load CC to test my mod, it loads up through the first file, but it stops at line '1' on the second file. No error is actually thrown, as in if I delete the 'abortscreen.bmp' another one isn't created when I run the application.

This is the first line of the file:
AddEffect = MOPixel

If it's just that I'm doing something stupid, sorry for bringing it up, I'm just copying a bit out of the Pyro.ini file for this, but...

Well, Cheers, and a pre-emptive thanks!

Author:  Grif [ Thu May 29, 2008 6:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Beginner's Woes [Error not making sense]

Did you make an Index.ini?

You have to make an Index.ini file that either contains IncludeFiles to your mod .inis, or just has them within it.

Index.ini is a standard .ini file, just the first line HAS to be "DataModule". Base.rte has a clearer example.

Author:  Uprightpath [ Thu May 29, 2008 6:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Beginner's Woes [Error not making sense]

Er, should have said that. Yes, I do have the index.ini. Pointing to the files that I want to include, with the correct path names.

It acts as though it wants to load the files, but it stops reading the ones that start with:

AddEffect = MOPixel

On the first line, regardless of whether it's copy-pasted or hand typed in a new file. I know that it's not bad linking, since when I reorder the pieces of code inside the file it'll start loading the file until it reaches the AddEffect = MOPixel portion, or a mention of what I was trying to make with that bit of text. I can't catch a screen-shot of it, since it finishes loading the rest at that point.

And regardless, as I said, it's making an error dump .bmp, or killing the program, it's just not loading it.

Author:  Grif [ Thu May 29, 2008 6:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Beginner's Woes [Error not making sense]


Could you upload the .rte? I can't really be sure without looking at your code.

Author:  Uprightpath [ Thu May 29, 2008 7:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Beginner's Woes [Error not making sense]

Never mind, found out what was causing it. There was a formatting error in it, and that caused it to stop reading the file. Didn't know the tabs were so important for everything.

Author:  Exalion [ Thu May 29, 2008 9:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Beginner's Woes [Error not making sense]

yeah, tabs are a nightmare, be careful with that backspace button...
glad you solved your problem, there's nothing worse than getting an error that doesn't make sense...

Author:  Tea [ Thu May 29, 2008 7:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Beginner's Woes [Error not making sense]

I was just about to suggest tabs.

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