How to force gibs upon death? + other issue
Hi people,
In my quest to learn more about how to mod stuff I've created a test bunker/pillbox actor to mess around with.
See screens;
I've three issues with it at the moment and would like to know if they are possible to be changed.
The first:
- I'd like to force-gib the pillbox whenever it dies. This way I can add bricks and stuff and make it go away in a nice, stone-shower way, instead of it becoming a huge lifeless obstacle for everyone to dig through. Does anyone know if it is possible to force-gib stuff? The dropships seem to do, but I can't find anything special in their files.
I can't reduce the armor and sturdiness of the pillbox, since it's meant to be sturdy and needs to be dropped out of dropships as well.
The second:
- If the gibbing is impossible to force, is there a way to at least stop the pillbox from rolling onto its side when dying? I can't remember the last time I saw a concrete block rolled over to die.
(Well, ofcourse there was this incident where... no, never mind...)
The third:
- Is there a way to make sure that this pillbox, or any other object for that matter, will never disappear into the ground when stepped on?
Right now my pillbox dies really fast, since all it takes is one actor to land on its roof. Then it is pushed into the ground. (It is fairly bulletproof though.
Increasing the mass is not an option, since dropships will need to be able to drop one without falling out of the sky at light speed. (Was fun to watch though!
Thanks for any advice you can give.
If you want to check out a working beta version, it's downloadable