Re: how do u make a grenade spawn a gun/actor/etc.
i think he aked HOW to make it explode into am actor, cuz u just said to do what his question is but whatever. Make it GIB into a actor/ drop ship whatever, just do what the code says
AddGib = Gib
GibParticle =AHuman //or u could do ACRocket for a rocket etc..//
Count = 1 //Unless you want like 5 actors to fly out then change this value to 5 etc...//
Spread = 3.14 //doesnt rly matter//
MaxVelocity = 5 //Unless you want the actor/rocket to fly out at 100mph then put like 190 or something//
MinVelocity = 4 //same thing fot the MaxVelocity but this is minimum so just put it like 1 less so the actor flies out at around the same speed everytime.//
this should work fine but im not sure since i actually havent used this code but ive seen it before. happy moding!!