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Device Damage?
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Author:  N1trone [ Sat Feb 23, 2008 2:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Device Damage?

I'm making a quick pistol mod (just trying some stuff)

And I'm looking for the damage a gun does, do you have to look at the Ammo part of the pistol, or the pistol itself?

Thanks in advance,



Let me rephrase, what piece of code "commands" (lack of a better word) how much damage a bullet/projectile does?

Author:  TSRabbit [ Sat Feb 23, 2008 4:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Device Damage?

Changing the damage isn't like changing a single variable. What you have to do is make a new type of bullet for the gun to fire.

to change the damage you can edit variables like
FireVelocity = (how fast the bullet travels)
Sharpness = (how 'sharp' the bullet is)
Mass = (how heavy the bullet is. This also changes the amount of kickback from the gun)

If you haven't already, make a new .ini in your mod's .rte and call it something like 'ammo.ini'. Look in the base.rte for a file of the same name and scroll down to the area called 'rounds' amd copy one of the rounds' code and copy it into the new .ini. Change the variables a bit and copy the file path into the index.ini of your mod. Make sure this file path is above the gun's otherwise the game won't understand what the round you just made is.

Author:  striker121 [ Sat Feb 23, 2008 4:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Device Damage?

Their is no "damage" variable for bullets. The damage an actor takes from a bullet is mostly determined by the strength of the actors armor/skin, the speed of the bullet, the sharpness of the bullet (Imagine blunt knife/ sharp knife), and the weight of the bullet. The game calculates what would the damage be with the variables you put in.

Author:  3 solid [ Sat Feb 23, 2008 4:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Device Damage?

There is one way to up the damage, but not to lower it.

Change separation in the bullet code to 1 or 0, then change the number of particles. 4 or more should give a kill, but I haven't tested it in a while.

Author:  N1trone [ Sat Feb 23, 2008 5:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Device Damage?

Ok, thanks alot for all the reply's!

Ill filddle around with those things and see what happens.

Author:  Jox =3 [ Sat Feb 23, 2008 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Device Damage?

What you need to have in mind is in CC there is no 1-type-damage.
You can kill those clones with lots of types of damage. Sharp damage, gib damage, splash damage, mass damage and etc...

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