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 The HM[WIP] Tau Mod (WH40K) - [Alpha Released: 01/05/09] 
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Post Re: The HMWIP Tau Mod (WH40K)
too bad.
ok then i guess than it will be removed.

Wed Apr 08, 2009 3:07 pm
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Post Re: The HMWIP Tau Mod (WH40K)
vagyr wrote:
you are absolutly correct.
i have just 2 objections.
1)the fusion BLASTER.
i made this particle with a lot of expirement and tried to make it fuctioning.
but i forgot 1 valuable thing in it.
to make it explode on contact as it was supposed to do...
that is why you could not kill a dummy with it.
also the detonators.
again the suiside detonator was just the effect not the power(the particles are not so sharp nor they are so fast to make it a good weapon) and also this was a request from naXx so i would like to keep it somehow.
also how abute the vox device?

Not cannon, not cannon, not. cannon. I know 411570N3 already said that. but let me clarify, the effect of the suicide, I already cited the only rules for.

Let me quote the codex some more, for other things.

this is a CERAMONIAL Knife, NOT INTEDED FOR COMBAT, it is carried by the leader of the Fire Caste warrior teams, who have performed the Ta'lissera ritual, and bonded as a group. So long as the bearer is alive, the bonded team may regroup even if below half strength.

Emphasis on Ceramonial, and Not intended for combat, which is taken word for word from the tau codex. all of the bonded tau essentially become blood-brothers, but its not so much about the blood as it is about the cut, so I guess its more like circumcision, only at an older age and as a group. well they are aliens after all.


Honour blade (Ethereal only)
This is a long, broad bladed spear, mounted on a lightweight metalic shaft. The Honour blade is used to settle disputes between ethereal caste members in stylised bloodless duels. It is used in elegant sweeping movements, where the blade becomes veirtually invisible. The honour blade must be used in two hands - the wielder cannot therefore count as carrying an additional weapon. It adds +2 to the wielder's strength.

Why do we have no ethereals? I hate them, but I think the ethereal honour guard (which are actually more etherials, and Aun Va gets them) are cool.

Moving on.


I am a bit troubled by this one. I know, that all tau units have vox, and that on the model's helmets, that little antenna on the side, is the vox. I also know that the vox has no stats for the tau, as they cannot have them, and vox doesn't grant any special rules at all. the trouble is, reading the descriptions of units, nowhere in the firewarrior, pathfinder, stealth suit, crisis suit, or broadsides, does it mention AT ALL anything about vox. I haven't read all of the front of the codex in a while, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't mention it. its all about the tau history, and there battle strategies.

As far as in CC Goes, adding a Vox unit of any kind is not cannon, and therefor should not be done. as far as the rest, I'm just confused as all hell. I can't find the tau vox, how do they communicate with eachother?! do they just have a bunch of stealth suits and vespids bouncing around delivering little scraps of paper? its not like they can use the warp. it actually says as much, the tau are the ONLY race in 40K not to have warp travel, or even understanding, and in fact they don't show up in the warp. they have no psykers, there all blanks. so that garauntees they aren't telepathic... SO WHERE'S THERE DAMN VOX?!

Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:16 am
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Post Re: The HMWIP Tau Mod (WH40K)
By cannon do you mean canon?
Miles_T3hR4t wrote:
they are a communist empire
Though that's being needlessly trivial for something that barely affects the mod at all.
Anyway, point is you don't really need specific feedback from me because I'm the one making the releases now and I know my own feedback. I've said it before I think....
Anyway, the point is Vagyr will not make the next release. I will. If all else fails and/or Miles asks to then he will. But not Vagyr, I feel it's time I took the responsibility for it.
EDIT: Started work on my release. I'm getting rid of all these firing frames...
EDIT 2: I cbf setting code apart for later versions, I'm respriting any inadequate sprites that already have fully functional code.
EDIT 3: Oh this is really unorganised, and has heaps of redundant code... expect optimisation, faster loading and corrected English. This might take a bit longer than expected...
EDIT 4: Are the sounds for the Fire Warrior and Stealthsuit the same?
EDIT 5: Current Progress: I'm only half way through the Fire Warrior and there's already at least 20 lines of uncommented unneccessary code I've fixed... and I haven't even touched on the doubled up wounds yet...
EDIT 6: I just figured out the Fire Warrior... weighs alot... as does the Coalition Light. The Light weighs over 100kg?! You've got to be kidding me!
EDIT 7: Wow... all of the Fire Warrior walktpaths are Vanilla... but redefined anyway... (I hope) you can just CopyOf them...
EDIT 8: Planning on adding a chestplate to the Fire Warriors that will be missing from the Pathfinders. This'll be a rather largely different release. Hopefully with well offsetted (by me) and well coded (by Miles) weapons =)
Also, calling all spriters willing to try their hand at spriting Tau actors, all are welcome, beggars can't be choosers as they say... =)

Thu Apr 09, 2009 10:04 am
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Post Re: The HMWIP Tau Mod (WH40K)
411570N3 wrote:
By cannon do you mean canon?
Miles_T3hR4t wrote:
they are a communist empire
Though that's being needlessly trivial for something that barely affects the mod at all.
Anyway, point is you don't really need specific feedback from me because I'm the one making the releases now and I know my own feedback. I've said it before I think....
Anyway, the point is Vagyr will not make the next release. I will. If all else fails and/or Miles asks to then he will. But not Vagyr, I feel it's time I took the responsibility for it.
EDIT: Started work on my release. I'm getting rid of all these firing frames...
EDIT 2: I cbf setting code apart for later versions, I'm respriting any inadequate sprites that already have fully functional code.
EDIT 3: Oh this is really unorganised, and has heaps of redundant code... expect optimisation, faster loading and corrected English. This might take a bit longer than expected...
EDIT 4: Are the sounds for the Fire Warrior and Stealthsuit the same?
EDIT 5: Current Progress: I'm only half way through the Fire Warrior and there's already at least 20 lines of uncommented unneccessary code I've fixed... and I haven't even touched on the doubled up wounds yet...
EDIT 6: I just figured out the Fire Warrior... weighs alot... as does the Coalition Light. The Light weighs over 100kg?! You've got to be kidding me!
EDIT 7: Wow... all of the Fire Warrior walktpaths are Vanilla... but redefined anyway... (I hope) you can just CopyOf them...
EDIT 8: Planning on adding a chestplate to the Fire Warriors that will be missing from the Pathfinders. This'll be a rather largely different release. Hopefully with well offsetted (by me) and well coded (by Miles) weapons =)
Also, calling all spriters willing to try their hand at spriting Tau actors, all are welcome, beggars can't be choosers as they say... =)

Okay, first of all, edit 8.... your insane if you think you and I are gonna be the only ones doing anything. I already said, I'm working on the fusion blaster, railguns, smart missiles, and maybe airbursting fragmentation launcher. If i'm up to it, maybe missile pods. there's no way in hell am I doing all the code. and I seriously doubt you'll want to sprite everything. this is a group project, not a 2 man project. we need as much content, as fast as we can, so that even if something isn't directly used, it can be cut up and recycled, resulting in more, faster progress.

as for the attached armor, honestly the difference in pathfinders and firewarriors, is the legs and arms, not the torso. I would like to point something out now.

If you read the code for an actor, you see multi frame vectors, Meaning, different vectors and offsets, for multiple framed objects. The foot is attached to a leg, the leg changes sprites, and the location of the foot must change. Therefor, you can have multi-frame attachments, attached to equal frame-count, multi-frame objects, Such as a single leg-shaped plate, attached to the leg, with new frames, on new frames. or at a minimum, make a thigh, knee, and shin plate, all attachable, that move and rotate (since we in B22 have rotation / orientation available in attachables) with the legs/arms.

This means that we would make the pathfinder first and then make the firewarrior by attaching armor on top of it. Theoretically anyway. because it works with feet, it therefor must work with all vectors, because its not the attachable code or foot code that allows it, but simply the structure of defining vectors. I just realized this, and am going to start a separate thread about it.

Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:42 pm
Profile YIM WWW
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Post Re: The HMWIP Tau Mod (WH40K)
I stand thoroughly corrected.

I was thinking about this.

walkLimbPath = LimbPath
      PresetName = Soldier Walk Path
      StartOffset = Vector
         X = 10
         Y = -2
      StartSegCount = 3
      AddSegment = Vector
         X = 0
         Y = 2
      AddSegment = Vector
         X = 0
         Y = 2
      AddSegment = Vector
         X = 0
         Y = 5
      AddSegment = Vector
         X = 0.....

and assuming it meant you could do this
ParentOffset = Vector
         X = 1
         Y = 1
   offset = Vector
      X and Y etc.

My bad

Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:48 pm
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No, I was referring to the fact that I was complaining about my sprites and offsets not being used and you about your code not being used...

Also, I have an idea for the Airbursting Fragmentation Projector:
You fire an arcing Actor, that can only aim directly down, like Shook's Vertical Strike Rocket. The difference is, the object looks like the Submunition and it can only aim directly down. The weapon it is equipped with has a tracer with negative mass, causing the Submunition downwards whilst the tracer is a suicide round. The actor flies above the enemies and kills itself, gibbing into further actors. Each actor can only aim in a smallish cone downwards and has a similar weapon to the first actor, propelling itself at enemies at high speed then killing itself. These actors gib into the explosives which kill the enemies. It's close enough to the real one, though you might just make the first actor explode into the spray of explosives if you like...

Progress: Moved on to the Stealth Suit, massive optimisation - all the wounds redefined for no good reason. The Markerlight will only fire one Missile, carpet bombing was never the Tau's thing; ridiculous amounts of strategic super-orbital railgun battery bombardment however...
I'm making the XV15 more durable than the standard Fire Warrior by quite a bit until we can get active stealth. I plan on respriting the actors a bit, the size of the fire warrior's head makes it difficult to crawl with the default crawlpaths, so it's either messing with crawlpaths or redoing the helmet. Anyone is free to try their hand at doing sprites as well, we really need to resprite the actors...

Fri Apr 10, 2009 4:24 am
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Post Re: The HMWIP Tau Mod (WH40K)
411570N3 wrote:
No, I was referring to the fact that I was complaining about my sprites and offsets not being used and you about your code not being used...

Also, I have an idea for the Airbursting Fragmentation Projector:
You fire an arcing Actor, that can only aim directly down, like Shook's Vertical Strike Rocket. The difference is, the object looks like the Submunition and it can only aim directly down. The weapon it is equipped with has a tracer with negative mass, causing the Submunition downwards whilst the tracer is a suicide round. The actor flies above the enemies and kills itself, gibbing into further actors. Each actor can only aim in a smallish cone downwards and has a similar weapon to the first actor, propelling itself at enemies at high speed then killing itself. These actors gib into the explosives which kill the enemies. It's close enough to the real one, though you might just make the first actor explode into the spray of explosives if you like...

Progress: Moved on to the Stealth Suit, massive optimisation - all the wounds redefined for no good reason. The Markerlight will only fire one Missile, carpet bombing was never the Tau's thing; ridiculous amounts of strategic super-orbital railgun battery bombardment however...
I'm making the XV15 more durable than the standard Fire Warrior by quite a bit until we can get active stealth. I plan on respriting the actors a bit, the size of the fire warrior's head makes it difficult to crawl with the default crawlpaths, so it's either messing with crawlpaths or redoing the helmet. Anyone is free to try their hand at doing sprites as well, we really need to resprite the actors...

multiple things to say here.

Firewarriors have a 4+ armor save
Stealth suits have a 3+ armor save, which is better.

To those of you who don't know,
a 4+ armor save means when your attacked, roll a D6. on a 4, 5, or 6, you don't get hurt
a 3+ save, means D6, no wound aon a 3, 4, 5, or 6.

Stealth suits have better armor than fire warriors AND there stealthed.

... the XV 22 Battlesuit worn by commander shadowsun is such a suit, the first '2' in the designation indicating the suit's mass class, the second indicating that it is undergoing field testing...

that was just to clarify what was said in the previous thread.

Next the markerlight.

1 squad of pathfinders, every model gets a markerlight for free
add 1 skyray with 6 seeker missiles, and upgrades for 2 more.
up to 2 seeker missiles per vehichle may fire in 1 turn. All vehichles may launch seeker missiles in any given turn. 8 pathfinders per team, statistically 6/8 shots hit, as long as they have at least 3 vehichles with 2 missiles each, all the missiles fire, and automatically hit. pathfinders MUST include a devilfish, which may have 2 seeker missiles, so, 2 vehichles, not counting the pathfinder squad, so a devilfish included in the mandatory firewarrior squad, and 1 skyray. congrats, you just lauched 6 seeker missiles at a single squad, in 1 turn.

Furthermore, even if you only had a sky ray and pathfinders, thats 2 seeker missiles per turn, for at least 3 turns (not counting any vehicle but the skyray, and not counting upgrades)

Tau don't carpet bomb my ass.

Tau Remora , stealth flyer, includes twinlinked burst cannons, 2 seeker missiles, and a markerlight, squads of 1-4. they can launch there own seeker missiles AND fire the twinlinked burst cannons, all at once. bombing runs right there.

I'm sorry but the tau just love bombarding areas with large amounts of death. thats what they do, be it with rail guns, missiles, bombs, mass drones, or a firing squad, they just send trails of focused death at everything.

Next up, stealth!
Stealth will work in B23, because of 2 things A) lua, by changing how sensitive an actor has to be to detect it and start shooting at it, and B) gamma control in code for glows. IE I am going to make a 255,0,255 glow, which thus makes everything behind it, invisible, then i'm gonna change the gamma of said glow, in code, to make things only transparent instead of invisible, making them very hard to see, so players will have a hard time shooting them too.

Furthermore, Stealthsuits as I said have a 3+ armor save, which means an AP 3 weapon, will ignore that armor save. Guess what? stealth adds a 4+ cover save. Cover saves are only ignored by template weapons.
no clue how to implement that. maybe a really high gib wound limit?

Moving on to the airbursting fragmentation launcher (AFL)
Here's the text from the codex, and please note this is also me confirming what it does for myself.

This weapon scatters fragmentation bomblets over a wide area, at a height calculated by a simple AI within each warhead to cause optimum damage. the weapon suffers NO penalties for moving and firing, and may not benefit from markerlight hits. Guess-18" Str 4 AP 5, assault 1, large blast marker, no cover save.

So you lob a warhead/drone up into the air, it waits until it is at 'optimum height' and then explodes, launching shrapnel down like rain. Str 4 AP 5 is not particularly good, BUT it has 2 advantages.

First its the only Blast marker weapon that can be fired while moving, with no added penalty. IE no extra scatter dice. second its the only GUESS weapon that can be fired while moving.

To tell you what guess means, it means You do not need line of sight, pick a direction, Without checking, pick a distance, THEN measure the point, and roll for scatter dice, template goes there. No additional scatter dice means its more accurate.

In other words, its a slow moving, lofty flack cannon that sort of lobs the flack up and over, and I was wrong, its not a drone that falls and starts shooting everything. The up side, its way easier to code. the downside, its kind of a soppy foot of a gun. its also assault 1, assault means its auto-fire, but 1 means its 1 shot per round. which basically means a slow auto fire, like 60 rounds per minute as opposed to say 800.

and now I'd just like to say that its to early for this ♥♥♥♥. I'll be back later.

Fri Apr 10, 2009 4:15 pm
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Post Re: The HMWIP Tau Mod (WH40K)
The Regular Tau guys have something strange that I can't quite see.

Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:13 pm
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Post Re: The HMWIP Tau Mod (WH40K)
Shard wrote:
The Regular Tau guys have something strange that I can't quite see.


We're seriously working on stuff here, and the only thing you've done is troll, leave now.

Sat Apr 11, 2009 2:36 am
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Post Re: The HMWIP Tau Mod (WH40K)
A. The Stealth suits will be alot stornger than the fire warriors to compensate for lack of stealth. Like, heaps more...
B. Have you seen the current markerlight? I'm making its fire rate higher but making it fire one much more powerful missile per shot. I think that's how it works in canon. Also, by carpet bombing I mean non-tactical carpet bombing, the Tau have advanced guidance systems that mean a majority of missiles will hit their target, making it tactical precision bombing.
C. As I said, you could make the AFP just explode when above enemies instead of having the things target I suppose...
D. Shard actually made a decent comment, albeit in a strangely phrased way. They do require resprites, the thing he "can't quite see" is the strange proportions they're in.

Progress: Wow, I wouldn't be surprised if I'd optimised at least 200 lines of code already. Seriously, there's like 10 redundant objects in the Fire Warrior and Stealth Suit alone...
I'm naming each unit by rank - e.g. Shas'la, Shas'la XV15, etc. Of course, we don't have Shas'ui that I feel are up to scratch yet, but I'm planning for the future =).
How do you all feel about replacing the XV15 Jetpack with a more powerful Jump Pack? They really shouldn't actually have a jetpack, but I think having a better jump-pack is justifiable...
No wait, they have a jetpack.
Uh, working on the Arm offsets for the XV15.
Done on XV15, someone decided to make a new foreground arm but no background one, so it ended up floating in mid-air -_-"
Onto pulse rifle. I swear, there's so much redundant code here... -_-"

Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:20 am
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Post Re: The HMWIP Tau Mod (WH40K)
the marker sights are acurate.
but they are unguided...
so they will hit exacly where you aim nut if the enemy moves then it will be a problem...
also abute the stealthsuits.
will they have a jetpack or a jumppack?
and i am sorry abute the messy code...

Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:33 pm
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Post Re: The HMWIP Tau Mod (WH40K)
I am the one making the next release, you're not. If you wish to code, code individual parts, like weapons and actors.
I've been saying so for quite a while now... anyway, feel free to do individual parts of the mod, but not the entire thing, I'm working on it already and it's quite a major change.

Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:39 pm
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Post Re: The HMWIP Tau Mod (WH40K)
who said than i will releace anything???
i just asked somthing.
if you want me to leave just say so.

Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:45 pm
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Post Re: The HMWIP Tau Mod (WH40K)
I mean I'm reorganising EVERYTHING.
I don't want you to leave, it's just that I'm making a new release, try modding single weapons and uploading them individually, and I'll add them in. I've fixed all the actors, made it load alot faster and will fix the weapons. You can still mod, just upload them individually. Please. *puppy dog eyes*
EDIT 1: Also, I'm making the stealth suits have a jetpack, I figured out they had jetpacks. Also, I'm planning to code something that will make the seeker missiles slightly guided, and not even needing seperate markerlights for each team.
EDIT 2: Also, I think I'll be able to make this release mac compatible... =D
EDIT 3: I think I made the pulse rifle too awesome...
EDIT 4: The pulse rifle is working well now...
EDIT 5: Standardised the pulse round, now embarking on rest of pulse weapons, the round looks really spiffy now.
EDIT 6: Made the standard pulse round even spiffier. It now barely penetrates concrete, like as in 2 pixels in max =D.
EDIT 7: Started on the Photon Grenade
EDIT 8: Epic amount of optimisation on the Photon Grenade...
EDIT 9: Finished Photon Grenade, works the same as before, except it'll load in about half the time. Changed them to the little discs Miles was asking for.
EDIT 10: Begun working on the Pulse Carbine, the standardised round's really going to pay off here... And now I'm almost completely sure that this release will be mac compatible =D

Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:56 pm
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Post Re: The HMWIP Tau Mod (WH40K)
Miles_T3hR4t wrote:
Shard wrote:
The Regular Tau guys have something strange that I can't quite see.


We're seriously working on stuff here, and the only thing you've done is troll, leave now.

Really, I said something bad?
All I was saying was there was something stange, NOT bad.
Because so far, I like the looks of this mod.

EDIT: I didn't notice till now you were the only 3 discussing, yeah, i'm leaving, sorry about that.

Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:35 pm
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