Re: Rewriting an unwritten rule.
Dragster wrote:
The new members are afraid to post their mods because they're afraid of getting flamed. I think we could be a little more understanding when it comes to new members, after all, they can't get better if we don't let them.
Oh, blah blah. I wasn't even remotely afraid of flaming, ever. Even when I started with my gun pack. Why? Because I felt I was putting a decent amount of thought and work into my stuff. Sure, I got criticism, but it was perfectly constructive.
Honestly, I figure if somebody is getting flamed, they deserve it. Especially since, within the flaming, somebody, if not several people, will actually state exactly what is wrong with the mod. At that point, the modder has two choices: A, heed the advice and do better later, or B, stop modding. If they go with B, so be it. We didn't need them.
So, basically, the rule, I think, is this: put real work and thought into it. Find a theme or something. And if people really are so damn afraid of flaming - which I don't buy - then they need to grow a pair.
I agree, though, that you'd think there'd have been an explosion of ACrab actors by now...