Re: Need help with HDFirearms
KaiserKuns wrote:
And yes, I do ramble on a bit, sorry for any misunderstandings.
Fellow rambler reporting in!
Anyways, Cricket explains it nicely; i more or less learned Lua by starting out with small tweaks to existing scripts (also Vector is a tremendously awesome thing), getting some help from others, eventually beginning to experiment with my own simple scripts. Also, having a basic understanding of code structure is tremendously helpful, since Lua is one of the more straightforward languages in existence. Hell, sometimes, it feels like you're writing a monologue to the computer, it's just that high level (as in humanized, Binary is the lowest level scripting language).
Basically what i'm trying to say is this: Experiment. If you can't figure something out, try reading the wiki under relevant sections (mostly if it's a specific function, the wiki isn't terrific at explaining structure). If you STILL can't figure it out, ask for help, there's a great big Lua Scripting forum up there above this thread (though you can chuck me a PM too if you need help, but be aware that my response time can be slow). From what i've experienced, most Lua scripters around here are happy to help, myself included if i am to be counted as a bona fide Lua scripter.
Long story short, if you need help with something specific, feel free to chuck me a PM. I can't guarantee that my explanation will be at all useful, but i'll give it an honest shot. c: