Loader looking for the Wrong File
Hey everybody. I was trying to make a simple weapon mod, but when I load up Cortex Command, it crashes, but the error message is really strange.
The error is when it tries to load the actual sprite for the gun itself.
I tell it in the code that the FilePath = MyFirstMod.rte/Devices/Impact/Impact.bmp
When the crash happens and the error appears, it tells me it cant open file Impact000...
I changed the filename to Impact000.bmp and the code appropriately, but then it says it cant open file Impact000000.
It seems to just be replacing the '.bmp' with 000 and I have no idea why.
I then changed the code to read just Impact000000 no extension, and changed the file name to Impact000000.bmp
Then it tells me it cant find MyFirstMod000 so I have NO clue as to what is happening and I am so confused.
Any help would be awesome!
Love Cortex Command and I want to mod it, but this is just.. wut.