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 Badgers Federation, A WIP That needs ideas! 
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Joined: Sun Oct 25, 2009 10:16 pm
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Post Re: Badgers Federation, A WIP That needs ideas!
I'm sketching up a faction that will hopefully be close to balanced. (long way off from any kind of release.) are the various tool for my faction. I certainly don't wish for you to take them directly but use them as a template and insert your own thoughts etc. None of these are copies or repeats of anything. Feel free to use as guide and scrap what you don't want. :)

Sun Nov 15, 2009 4:28 am

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Post Re: Badgers Federation, A WIP That needs ideas!
The best idea for this :
A big badger that can release a shockwave and has laser eyes.

Source : Big Ass Badgers

Sun Nov 15, 2009 4:22 pm
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Post Re: Badgers Federation, A WIP That needs ideas!
joost1120 wrote:
The best idea for this :
A big badger that can release a shockwave and has laser eyes.

Source : Big Ass Badgers

and one that shoots poisonous exploding claws out of his hand.

Pure awesomeness in these ideas.

Mon Nov 16, 2009 4:58 am
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Post Re: Badgers Federation, A WIP That needs ideas!
Thank you for most of your suggestions. I will admit, I have been working less and less on my CC faction, but the CC online really sparked my interest. Although it was a joke (And well pulled off), I still decided that there was a great undying community and that CC will only get bigger and more impressive. So I thought that It may be possible to make a nice vanilla like faction with balance and have the look of CC. I'm not the worlds best at making sprites, but in my time I've made a few heads that I like. I've made the bodies and sprites for a few more weapons. Right now, I'm coding all the ammo types. Different bullets look and feel different, so that way one gun does not fire the same way as another.

Also, I've canceled out a few of the weapons, mainly snipers and pistols. There will only be a Korth and a USP. There will also only be a PSG-1 and the DSR-50. Some rifles are cut as well, such as the G3KA4 and the HK53A3. I decided to keep the more recognizable guns. I understand that by doing this it makes the mod more cliche and probably less likely to download, but you need to understand that I don't have as many reference photo's with those guns as I do the cliche models.

I was trying for a while to make a helicopter, and I did succeed, however, it looks and controls so terribly that you would have to immediately switch to it, fly straight down, and then fly back up. I made a jet as well that works much better, but it is back to front and would not look right moving left to right, since most jets do not have a reverse.

Thank you for all your response and feedback. I will try to make this complete in the near future, roughly some time in June perhaps.

Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:48 pm
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Post Re: Badgers Federation, A WIP That needs ideas!
Good news guys! I just finished up a lot of my weapons, completely. The Clips, the ammo, the proper places they should be at and everything. Here's a list of what weapons I have finished.

USP 45

That's all for now. I've made my HK69 Sprite, I just need to code it. Same with my Panzerfaust 3. I might make a thread in the Released mods once I get a weapon in each category and a soldier.

Wed Apr 21, 2010 2:28 am
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Post Re: Badgers Federation, A WIP That needs ideas!
I'd like to first apologize to everyone who was watching this mod and realized it looked much like Unitec. I had no idea my mod was nearly verbatim of Unitec.

Alright, I just took a peek at Unitec and I'm going to commit suicide in a while. Not really, but I am very displeased with almost all of the weapons I have in my Federation already being made, including the HK CAWS which surprised me the most. I'm completely sure the Developer of Unitec had good intentions and his Federation seems to have much appraise for its quality, however, I do not understand the mixed usage of weapons. He has a UMP 45, a Accuracy International Arctic Warfare L96 British Sniper Rifle which has no affiliations with Heckler and Koch. Sure, Germany may have imports to that item, but does it really count to use so many weapons? Unitec is, by far a non-basic mod because of its many items and offensive/defensive entities that it uses. It is great, in my opinion, which HIGHLY disappoints me in myself. I don't think I could come up with the audacity to come up with a finished version of this mod. However, I will continue to work on it, as I cannot start something and not finish it, I'm just not like that.

Fri Apr 23, 2010 9:00 pm
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Post Re: Badgers Federation, A WIP That needs ideas!
Unitec is a modpack. Not really a faction pack.

Fri Apr 23, 2010 9:36 pm
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Post Re: Badgers Federation, A WIP That needs ideas!
I don't think it matters that they have the same weapons. In fact, I think that coherency and style trumps variety.

Fri Apr 23, 2010 9:41 pm
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Post Re: Badgers Federation, A WIP That needs ideas!
Thanks guys.
One thing I plan on adding is a "EBD Shotgun", or Experimental Breaching Device, shotgun.

It will be a standard 12 gauge pump action shotgun, however, it will have a shield build RIGHT into the gun, allowing you to be safer. The shield will be half the size of the Riot shield, however. Also, the shotgun will fire similar to the Ronin's Pumpgun. The model I am going to base this off of is a stockless M3.

Another thing is the EPALRD. The acronym stands for Experimental Particle Accelerator Long Range Device. It will fire a very light weight bullet at a VERY high speed. I've got a basic Idea for this, and I will post pictures soon.

Like I said, June, or earlier if I can.

Fri Apr 23, 2010 11:42 pm
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Post Re: Badgers Federation, A WIP That needs ideas!
This has been revived.

Most things are finished, Will be working on actors soon.

Anyone have a good Materials list?
I could technically suffer through the Materials.ini, but I don't want to because I'm lazy...

And by list I mean a picture.

Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:56 pm
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Post Re: Badgers Federation, A WIP That needs ideas!
Why would anyone do anything so easy for you to do for you?

Fri Dec 10, 2010 9:31 pm
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Post Re: Badgers Federation, A WIP That needs ideas!
At the time I did not have Cortex Command and was building bunkers.

I had the Palette, just not the Materials.

Now I have a new problem, When I make my Panzer, the game does not start. It loads correctly, just won't play Grasslands.

Basically, The game loads, I have the Single-Player, Multiplayer Menu, However, I can't play. I can set my difficulty, then after that it's a forever black screen. Taking the Panzerfaust.ini out of my index.ini fixed it, so It's something wrong with my Panzer.

Mon Dec 13, 2010 6:22 pm
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Post Re: Badgers Federation, A WIP That needs ideas!
Bad news everyone!

Sad to say, all the work for this is gone.

My computer had a glass of water basically thrown into it by a small child, and literal sparks ensued as the entire motherboard shorted itself out. Yes, I wanted to physically pummel this small toddler into the earth, but that would go against everything I live by, so I didn't. Anyway, I felt that the hard drive may still work, and It does not. It brings me much sadness to ask a moderator to close this modification which I have been assembling on and off over the course of about a year.

Although it is gone, it has brought me much information and was a great learning experience. I'm sure that with the knowledge I have gained I will make a better, more interesting mod in the future.

Tue Oct 11, 2011 11:33 pm
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Post Re: Badgers Federation, A WIP That needs ideas!
Find his favorite toy and burn it in front of him forcing to watch, that would redeem.

About the mod, I feel your lose but as spaniards say "Para aprender, perder"
which translated means, "For learning, you have to lose" so when you feel down,
consider the half way of the road (for getting better) done =)

Wed Oct 12, 2011 12:40 pm
happy carebear mom
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Post Re: Badgers Federation, A WIP That needs ideas!
Closed by request.

Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:31 pm
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